Y Video Lesson

13 minutes
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Okay, now let's talk about why. There's often a Y and a word even though you don't see the Y in the spelling. So don't omit those y's. I call them invisible y's. After certain letters, we insert a y sound before a Long You, unless the long U is spelled with two O's or o u, as n plus or acoustic. So these words do not have a y buoy, jacuzzi guru, hula those words are just exceptions.

First, at the beginning of a word, put a wide sound before the long you Unix URL. It is not EU RL. It is URL utensil unison eulogy. Also insert a why after a pee and before long you computer. It's not computer. It's computer pewter, puke, reputation, puny, population.

Amputate pure, it's not poor. It's pure pupil stipulates spew. Deputy. Papoose does not have a why, because of the two O's in the spelling. Neither the spoon also inserts a why, after a B and before long you rebuke beauty tributes abuse distributes ambulance attributes, fabulous bureaucrats, but don't put a why and boost or boomeranging because of the Oh spelling. After a case sound often spelled with a C, we also put a y before along you q cute curious cube, accuse, accumulate, articulate speculate it is not spec who speculate.

No it is speculate molecule accurate. It is not accurate. It's accurate. Barbecue calculus obscure PreCure, rescue, ridicule, skewer, vacuum, mercury, excuse occupy. It's not occupy, it's occupy binocular. It might seem like a small and trivial difference to you to say binocular versus binocular.

But to me and to other native speakers, if you don't say the why it sticks out like a sore thumb. Also, we put a why after the G and before long you argue, singular, regulate. I often hear the mistake, regulate, it's not regulates its regulate. also put a why after an F and before long, you Few confusion, fuel fuse. funeral. futile, refuge refuse refute and put away after the V and before long you view interview also after an sh and before long you issue tissue and after an H and before long you huge Whew.

Humor, Houston it's not Houston, Texas, it's Houston Texas, human. We also put it after an M and before long you music amuse accumulates, the word accumulate has two wise museum mural Mutual, mutual mute, communicate, but don't put a why and move or moody because of the spelling. Now ln n are a little different. Sometimes we put a y after an L and before long you, but only if the stress vowel comes before the L. So we put a y in the following words because the stress is at the beginning of the word before the L value, cellular, it's not cellular. It's cellular volume, soluble failure. But if the stress comes after the L, we don't put a why.

Salute. conclude, absolute absolut aluminum illuminates the same holds For the end, continue and continue. The stress is right before the end. So therefore I put a why. insinuate venue, manual, monument tenure and you will, but there's no why and the following words which have the stress devout after the end, manure, nuclear nude. Let's look at the invisible why, in some it sentences.

He's curious about how to do the computation he has a fabulous reputation at Hewlett Packard. computers can manipulate data, the executive branch issues cyber security regulations. He refused to stipulate the required Moments of his tenure in the interview, you can configure the firewall to communicate with a router. According to figures, network failure has been a regular occurrence. Volume comparisons are skewed. When looking at accumulation and distribution.

Interview technique manuals were distributed at the annual meeting. In computing, an attributes can set the specific value of an object. Also when we link two vowels together, specifically a front vowel to another vowel, you have to put a y in the middle in order to link the vowels together in sounds smooth. So after a front long vowel, such as long E, long a long I or or you add a y before another vowel. Again, this smoothens the transition between vowels. rodeo.

I do not want to say road D. Oh, I shouldn't have a break there. It's all one word in one breath of air. rodeo. Leo. I Yoda. Priority fiasco alien geography.

Multi effects. Notice that this happens in acronyms also. html. It's tm. Tm has a Why? HTML?

GPS. I always hope to be on time. You asked me a question about my application. I didn't see anyone I knew at the end of the orientation. Try again the day after tomorrow. I often worry about my interviews.

Now let's practice inserting a y between a front bow and an R or l in order to make the R and L more clear. So after a front long vowel, like long, a long a long I or or a, you need to add a Y and a schwa or short you sound before an R or L. This makes the R or l more noticeable. Why after a long E, tear, tear, dear, fear weary beer here near we'll He'll deal feel why after a long a fair care were there stair chair aware male jail tail sale prevail curtail why after a long I hire fire tire admire wire liar while dial mile Kyle child beguiled. I'll why after boy foyer lawyer Sawyer foil, boil, coil, loyal soil toil, Dale has left a detailed voicemail. Notice that every word with the L in it sounded like it had two syllables.

I stretched it out so I could fit that y in there and make the L very clear. So I didn't say Dale had a left a detailed voicemail. That's just not clear. It's Dale has left a detailed voicemail. Kyle will wear teal to the fair. The loyal child kneel by my chair.

Okay, it's time for why and some it sentences. Go to the menu to mute the volume and the media player. Even the word media has Why between the IMA MIDI. A compiler converts programming code into a form that can be used by a computer. The CPU is the brain of the computer. The dialog box appears.

Even in the word dialog, there's a y between the IMA dire, dire. The document is the file you create. Creates has a wire between the E and the A. I wouldn't say pre eight. Then I would sound choppy. It's create all in one breath. Video Game emulators for iOS regularly get kicked out.

Why on earth would you share a dial up connection between two computers over a wireless network three affiliate software programs offer a free trial. at IBM. We created and documented the queue manager aliases. So even in an acronym like IBM, we need to put a y in between the B and the M, because D ends in the long vowel e be the IBM

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