Hello guys, welcome to the 17th session of using Microsoft Word framework, Louise and Culligan services tutorials for beginners. In this session we will learn how to use a Shoko service to deploy both on your own web page. That is an open web both app that we have created and click on channels. Here you can see that web chat is running. Click on Edit coder. Here is an HTML code that contains a boat as embedded iframe copied this code.
I have already opened Visual Studio code and created a blank HTML file. Let us paste it here. Within this iframe, we need to pass secret key. We can use any of those to click on the show. Copy and paste it Here I am changing the height of iframe. So we can see properly save the file and open in the browser to record the same output as we got in paste in a web page that is pasted by sending hi obviously, it generates the same result as we are expecting.
Here I have added iframe directly to a web page. However, you can also place it in any kind of offer or something like this. Let us see what we have learned in this session. To place chequebook on our webpage, we need to just obtain the iframe code from channels tab and copy and paste security key. That's it. Thanks for watching this video.
If you have any doubt, please feel free to contact me. Have a nice day.