Hello guys, welcome to the 22nd session of using Microsoft Word finger flow and cognitive services tutorials for beginners. In this session we will learn how to publish voting Cortana. From Channel tab, click on content. To publish content and both we need to use knowledge to which is also created by Microsoft using this, we can create an entity both services and render. Previously, both service directly interacts with Cortana skills. But recently Microsoft changes it and makes compulsory to use knowledge.
However, it will make cordana skill in the bedroom. Scroll down to the bottom and click on Register button appear under discovery and management. Click on ski gear we need to do organization name knowledge store organizers All things under organization name. I'm using tutorials team as a name. Click on Next here or organization is created. From here we can create a new entity, boatlift service or render.
However, in this series, I will use Azure bot service for that. So let's switch back to the Azure portal and refresh this page. And again, click on Cortana. Now organization that we have created a course under the drop down, selected and click on Register. After registration, click on Manage button. You can see that under organization We have one boat late name, my boat 123.
From discoverability we can change basic information about this book. From publish, we can publish both with other users or even worse. By default, it will be published to our account. Click on Edit. From here we can change I can for the book, the name of cotton esteem as well as invocation name that will be used to open this boat in Cortana. I'm using my new app, you can choose appropriately.
If our boat requires user data such as name, email, timezone, etc. Then select it and click on Publish. Let us switch to Azure Portal. Here all links are read only, so we cannot edit it. We need to use knowledge store to edit those details. However, we can delete both from here test it in Cortana.
To open both we need to save talk to your both in location name or open both in location means here I need to say open my new app. I'm logged in with the same email id in which we have created Cortana skill. So it comes and asked for permissions allow it you can see that it was asking me as we have designed our booth. Let us see what we have learned in this session. First of all, we added Cortana configuration and we created organization in the normal After creating an organization we need to update it in both surveys. From knowledge to we can manage name in location and I can for these both.
Thanks for watching this video. If you have any doubts, feel free to contact me Have a nice day.