Hello guys, welcome to the 20th session of using Microsoft both framework Lewis and cognitive services tutorials for beginners. In this session we will learn how to publish both on sling. I have already opened api.slack.com Click on Start building button and write a name for both and select workspace in which you want to install this app during development. Here our app is created. Click on OAuth and permissions. Click on Add redirect URL and add slack dot.framework.com.
After this, we need to create slack boot user click on Add a boat user flow here we can set display names username for all time remaining exchange and coffee username. Now we need to subscribe events on which are both real response. For this open event subscriptions we need to enable events and add a request URL for the event. request URL will be this followed by our boat username. And now we need to specify events on which both fill rate. I'm just selecting messages.
You can choose it as per your requirements. Next is we need to enable interactive messages. For this, face this URL here and click on enable button. After the Now click on basic information. Scroll down and copy client ID. Secret and token and click on Save button.
It will automatically open this window and click on authorize button and give permissions. We have set up the configuration for both. Now we need to install this book in slack and check for this Click on Install and click on Install button. Allow required permissions. Let's switch to slack. Here is a boat that we have created.
That's saying hi and complete example. Here we got result SP expectations. Some time after setting up channels, it may require some time. So if you didn't get any response, then try again after 15 to 20 minutes. Some basic information, we can update name, colors, the icon for a boat, or even we can delete. From manage distribution tab, we can share our boat with other users via buttons, links, or in the meta tag.
For this suggestion, scroll down and check this box. Click on active public distribution for publishing your role publicly. To see what we have learned in this session. First of all, we need to create a slack app. After this, we need to add both details. Create a board user with the handler enable and subscribe events Enable interactive messages.
However it is optional. Copy client ID, secret and token and paste it in both service installed both in your workspace and test it. After successfully testing publish it. Thanks for watching this video. If you have any doubts, please feel free to contact me Have a nice day.