Less than 20 coloring and matalas it turns out coloring is not just for kids anymore. In December of 2016, six of the top 20 best sellers on amazon.com were coloring books, coloring Mandela's has long been a favorite tool for relaxation and meditation. Amanda is a spiritual and ritual symbol often associated with Hinduism or Buddhism to represent the universe. They're similar to the Celtic knots found all over Ireland, the place of my ancestors. famous psychologist Carl Jung encouraged his patients to color in Mandela's at the turn of the last century as a way of getting people to focus, relax and access the subconscious. He also believed that coloring helped relieve patients anxiety.
Now we know it has a lot of other stress relieving qualities as well. Mandela's aren't just for coloring. The ancients would stare at my dollars as an aid to meditation used for focusing attention and establishing sacred space. Coloring for 30 minutes constitutes a focused meditation that relieves stress. psychologist and Tony Martinez recommends it as a relaxation technique, saying we can use it to enter into a more creative for your state. I recommend it in a quiet environment, even with chill music.
Let the color and the lines flow. particularly effective is coloring my dolls which simply stated are sacred geometric patterns. geometric patterns occur in nature all around us the Sun Moon flowers And snowflakes. According to the ancient science of sacred geometry, it's the pattern created by interlocking spheres that forms the matrix of all universal matter. That sounds rather heady. But more simply put, geometric patterns represent harmony, unity, wholeness, and healing.
The interconnectedness of all life. The Lakota Sioux prayer matok. We arson is a reflection of that teaching that everything in nature is related. The Irish are renowned for their Celtic knots, intricate interwoven patterns that represent the same thing, the interconnectedness of all life. They are found in artwork and architecture all over Ireland. To the Tibetans, the sand Mandela represents multi dimensional fields of spiritual consciousness and the state of enlightenment.
Native Americans the medicine wheel, a form of geometric pattern symbolizes sacred ceremonial space and the circle of life. Coloring brings the same benefits as any meditation practice plus more. It balances body, mind and spirit. relieves tension and anxiety helps make a spiritual connection uses both sides of the brain expanding creativity increases self awareness encourages self expression. It's fun, and it improves organizational and fine motor skills. Some other benefits are that there's no self judgment because there's no right or wrong way to do it.
There are no rules you can color at your own pace, and it's affordable. The next session contains tip on ecological coloring supplies. And after that is the mendala that you can download and color and you'll also get it additional sources for downloading more Freeman dollars to cover to color