When should they start calling. Usually once you've sent a few emails and haven't gotten any response, you should start reaching out via phone. In this session, you will learn the key principles of cold calling to retail buyers. First, never start your cold calls with your first choice. Instead, warm up and make sure you feel comfortable by the time you're calling your top choices. Be clear, brief and to the point.
It's better in the beginning to come up with a short 32nd intro about your brand. Include why it's different and unique, where it sells or where it was featured and by what fashion bloggers then you should ask for an appointment or offer to send your samples. Here is an example. Hello, my name is so and so I represent a brand so in so it's a line of convertible dresses with prints from the real paintings of the well known Columbia Artists, I know that your store position yourself in the field of art and artistic design. So I would like to meet to present my collection and discuss the potential supply of it to your store. That's it.
As you can see, it's very short, descriptive and actionable. Now, when is the best time to call buyers obviously Monday is the day that we get back to work and need to catch up with the workflow. It's not the best day to call his buyers may have some weekly meeting scheduled for this day. Friday is about talking about plans for the weekend. People try to leave early so Friday is about wrapping up things and getting into the weekend. Therefore Tuesday through Thursday, are the best days to email follow up and call buyers.
The best time to stand emails or give calls is between 930 and 11:30am Turn 30 and 4:30pm. Then do you have to leave a message. First, try calling the person you're trying to reach it there is days and times of day and do not leave a message. You should really try calling at least four to six times and if you still do not get a live person, then leave a voicemail, voicemail. follow these rules. So say who you are, why you're calling and why the person should call you back.
Make sure the voicemail is no longer than one minute really prepare your message in advance. It's not always easy to get the buyer on the phone, so don't call more more than once per week. Don't get on their nerves know when you can't get in front of the buyer. Be creative And think about what you can do to obligate her to contact you find out if there is something in particular that she loves that relates to your collection or something personal, that would appeal to her that you can put in a note message or package. You want her to think that you worked hard and really made an effort to specifically get her attention. Therefore, she has to give you five minutes.
But what is more important in the process of pitching is creating a system and putting your emails and calls on a schedule. You know that you may have hot, warm and cold contacts. When people don't know you. It's considered a cold contact warm, they know you but not ready to work with you. Hot they know And are almost ready to work with you. When you just start, all of them are called and you need to make a minimum of three to five contacts to establish relations.
A schedule allows you to track your leads and know what stage you are at. For example, you reference that you send the email to this particular store. Then next week, you open your schedule and send a follow up email. Then next week, you give them a call, then if you didn't get any response, then you may leave it and then start over probably in a month or in a few weeks. Remember, it's a system that delivers results and success. Pitching is a consistent task that you should perform in order to get your orders.
Now, let's recap First, don't be afraid of calling. Think of it like a call is about making a connection and telling your story. Focus on that first of all, call at the right time. Remember about the psychology that we discussed. Be creative. If they did not respond, try to find a way to obligate buyers to call you.
And the most important part, put your emails and calls on a schedule in the same way that you go to the gym to train your muscles. This same approach should be used with building your list of your wholesale accounts in reaching them out