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Mourning rituals have become a huge thing in the last decade. And it's because they can really impact your own life. But designing the morning ritual can be a very challenging task because of all the information that is out there. In this class, I'm going to provide you the best activities that you should include in your own morning ritual. I've tried all the activities that I'm going to suggest here so I can reassure you that they are really impactful in your own life. As an important note, you don't have to include all of these activities in your morning ritual.

In fact, I highly recommend you to start picking five activities that you can start with. If you really can't do five then do at least three activities. Feel free to add more if you want to, but try to not make your morning ritual a rush. Remember that there's no right or wrong. We all have different needs at different times. I've switched from different activities that I enjoy cluded in my morning ritual in the past a lot of times because I tried to include activities that really fits my needs at the moment, so pick the activities that bring you the most excitement and joy because a morning ritual, it is not supposed to be one more thing in your to do list.

At the end of this class, you will have a plan of all the activities you want to start implementing in your morning ritual tomorrow.

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