Welcome to the everyday guide to Photoshop. In this video tutorial will show you how to whiten teeth without a dentist. Look before and look at the difference in the after picture. You're going to be able to do this after watching this tutorial. First of all hold and drag your land to duplicate it. Now we're going to go over to the teeth and do a little bit of work by selecting the Quick Mask mode.
Now taking the brush tool, we're going to brush our teeth, but only brushing our teeth with paint as you can see here. Now as you can see with what I'm doing here, make sure you get all places that you want to have white. again select Quick Mask tool to make a selection. As you can see, the dancing ants have made the selection For us, now, we go to Select and select inverse. Select brightness and contrast and adjust them to where you think they look the best. You don't want too much.
And of course, you don't want too little. Now that's looking pretty good, isn't it? That didn't take long and we've got a great result. If you see now taking a look at the before picture, see what you've done now. Congratulations and thanks for watching.