Hello guys, welcome to the second session of the is we don't have a VBA to In this lesson we will learn about the routing function. Let's switch to visit studio and let's create the one more method in which we will take the employee name from the parameter and do return the employee object. Let's create it public employee get employee by name which take the string name as a parameter and which we're going to return all employees door first or default employees such that he doors name.to lower Equals equal to a given name dot true law. Which route will be name because it will pick up the API slash employee from the URL prefix. Let's run it. Let's switch to postman.
Send a request to play offline. You can see that the 500 internet you can see that the a 500 internal server error occurred with the MSS. Multiple x&y are found with that match the request this is Erica Because the multiple accent taking the single value as a parameter, in that situation maybe Bay will confuse whether which accent will be acquired. In that situation we can use the routing constraint. We know that the four tracks and the value will be always integer, and indicator of the second x and the value will be always free. For that we can write the same for the type that will be ID colon in desert for integer and name colon alpha.
For sharing alpha shameful alphabet it means that it include the small E to Zed as well as a capital E to Zed. Let's rebuild our solution switch to postman. click on Send You can see that it's written the 200. You can see that it written the name that is in LA. And let's write the let's copy the name and send along with the parameter, which written the entire object for that given name. routing function allows you to restrict the how the parameter in the URL template or match sera syntax is parameter name.
Colon constrain within curly braces is the example that we are using. Those are the constraint based on the data type, which is the alpha bowl date time decimal, double float and UID as well as a integer that we are use. Let's see. We know that the ID value will be always within the one to five Then we can use the range. And this was a five year range for the word, it will be a one to five. Unless right so let's switch to postman and send the request for the first employee which written the name, let's send to 10, which does not exist.
In that case instead of which will return the air 404 not found status with the method no actually be resource found that match the ag one UI. We can also specify the condition based on the alpha. Let's take the land let's take three to five sales Let's build unless we're stuck Bushmen. Right The nilay click on Zane you can see that they've written the employee object let's try Superdome which will return the 404 however, it was existing the least method for the error is that you know NTP resource found that met the adequacy you are I was the length of the SWAMI is more than the file that we are specifying the length constrain. condition based on the value include the land, long Max Max length mean mainland range as well as we can also use the regular expression by using the regex. We can also specify the often I allude to the parameter.
Let's see. Let's modify the our accent says that do you do with written the first employee when the parameter is not specified, less modified? Let's assign the default value that is the one and within the arrow Do we need to specify the equation map that transform the level not there, we does not need to specify the level operate on the parameter. And let's comment the extent in which we are retrieving the role of the employee will do so listen. Let's switch to postman. And now I'm going to send a request to the employee itself.
You can see that it's written the Millay that is the name of the employee one let's specify the file which was written the era v that is the name of the employee file. We can also say we can also create the optional parameter with the, we can also create the optional parameter to the accent within the our controller. For that we need to add the question mark to the route parameter and does not need to write to the question mark on the our parameter to the x and the route parameter is optional, we must need to specify the default value. Thanks for watching. Have a nice day.