Okay, congrats on making and of course, I hope you are able to follow along with the all of the example in the session and hope that you find all material. And now you are able to create your own rescore API by using these we dotnet, a VP and the Entity Framework every place all of the example on our GitHub so it might be helpful for you. You can also refer your Microsoft officer documentation or the VBA, which is really nice. It contains dm auditors about the routing, routing or data serializing serialization error handling, testing, debugging, authentication, and more. I want to slash opportunity to say that if you have any questions or requests regarding to the course or you want to get in touch with me, then you can send me mail or or Post query in the question asker section or via comments, you'd like to call them please give me a positive rating which will inspire me to create a more cost.
So thank you again for taking course and wish us luck or creating your own rich quality by using here is B dotnet or web API's.