Well, the spectrum of learning mechanism has to be gathered as teachers, we need to be learners on the go. We need to get to set go with our online reputation management as priority. At the very time, it is very, very much probable of certainty that the teachers are googled before they are phased or interfaced online or offline. So for every teacher if you want to monitor a sense of learning, and evolve feature within classrooms, you need to nurture yourself on ground of making learning a priority for the students and for yourself. For the very paging has to be done with your online reputation management. It has to be more than your Facebook page, or an account or just having a gmail ID to be connected with the world.
No, my dear friends If you're a teacher, you need to be on the go. If you're a teacher, you need to be on the stream of fascinating Google connects, and Google counts and Google search, you need to fall on their screens with your doses of encapsulated learning and knowledge mechanism. The reflection guides with the very perforation of getting connected with the world for people Google you, they search you, they follow you. They engage themselves with your routine operations have out and bought new vocabulary you have shared over the years, and of course over the session. For me to be an effective teacher, I need to be on the go of learning. I need to be learning some words per day.
And the WhatsApp has not to be just be migrated from one account to the other, you need to search on your head tops and add data to the head top so that next time you interact, you develop the street smart teaching scenario. And it's smart, I mean, systematic, meticulous, artistic, realistic and tactful. As a teacher, we need to implement the very scenario of a learned capitalism with learning to learn as a hobby, rather than an occasion. In order to build a wall feature within classrooms, I need to connect with my audience, I need to encapsulate learning and I need to be a part of that learning spectrum. For I learn when I teach, and I explore when I interact. It is the students who are actually finding a replacement of Google within the So you have to be prepared.
You need to be on the learning. Go and make learning a priority for yourself and the others, the classrooms