7 Ingredients for an Extraordinary Life

A Recipe for an Extraordinary Life What Makes a Recipe for an Extraordinary Life
8 minutes
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In this video, I want to share with you the seven ingredients to live an extraordinary life. This is based on a book and this is based on our experience working with clients. And also after reading a lot of things like what Samantha was sharing with you in the in the other video, we kind of compiled and condense everything into this recipe. And we love that life could be like a like a salad, right? And then every person likes something different in their salad. You have different spices, different ingredients, and what a great salad is for you is not for me because I would like something different.

I would like more salt, more vinegar. I don't like tomatoes or you like tomatoes. So life is always different and having a great recipe to live an extraordinary life means something different for every individual. In this course Our goal is to help you find your own recipe. So the ingredients that are in that recipe are Body, Mind Finally, social work, staff and giving back. We are going to dive deeper into each of those ingredients in the next videos.

I want to say that staff also includes up finances and money. I also want to say that this is just a guidance. Like if there is a an ingredient that is really important for you. For example, one person mentioned, religion is really important for me, we included religion and spirituality and their mind, but by all means, you can include the ingredients that are important for you. This is a guideline for you to follow. But the conclusion of this exercise is that you have to understand what kind of recipe how much of each ingredient Do you need to live an extraordinary life.

We have friends and clients that they love spending time with family, so family time every week, it's it's big, it's a few hours or even have a full day they can in the weekend. For some other people. family time is not Asking for them. And maybe they go to visit family once a month. And that's enough. So as you see different things for different people, I want to talk about self care because self care is what will allow you to try to manage all these things.

Self Care is care provided for you by you. So it's basically you understanding your needs you understanding what is it that you need, how much quantity of each ingredient to make you feel well, and then making sure that you are scheduling those activities and that time that that task or whatever you need to do on a weekly basis in your calendar and make it happen. If you don't have answers, it's okay. We are going to help you test ideas you will have a testing period where you can start monitoring how you are feeling after being with certain people after doing certain tasks. So that that will allow you to understand okay when I do these when I am with that person when I am in that place, I feel this way or that way. And that will help you start understanding what is it that makes me happy, if you don't know yet.

So science of self care is needed are very important. Every time that you are feeling anything that you can see in this light, that means that there is something that you need to tweak in your recipe. Okay? If you are feeling anxiety, if you are feeling depressed, if you are feeling something that you don't feel well about, if you're feeling frustrated, frustrations are really important and they are very, very clear sign that there is something that you need to change. So going back to that recipe and really reflecting what can I change here? Why am I feeling this way?

When am I feeling this way? Who am I with, you know what I mean? You start digging deep into those feelings and emotions and then you start identifying what's happening. And then you can start fixing things or at least trying something different to see if you get a different result. So we encourage you to do an exercise and basically is creating a self care list. In this slide, you can see some of the activities that we have in our self care plan.

Basically, it's sports. This is Samantha and myself having Lance in a beautiful spot. We were working with two different clients that day. And in in the lunchtime we are we sell ourselves a little bit of time. So we just were driving past this river and we just stopped there had lunch, we always have a blanket in the back of the car and we always pack our lunch. So as you can see, it's a very inspiring place.

We could like relax for a little bit, eat. And then we were really feeling really well after that. That's us in Halloween A few years ago, we took the time to like create this costume. I created that paper Machine Head. And this is based on the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas. And it was beautiful and we had a really a lot of fun doing this.

Samantha Loves canoeing and she was on a canoe trip every year. So that's something that is on her list. I love cartoons. Sometimes I go with friends, that's another social thing that I like to do. So this is an exercise for you. I want you to print the PDF that we have a dad or just grab a piece of paper.

It doesn't matter. You don't have to print anything if you don't have access to a printer. And I want you to write down a few things that make you feel well. So when you're not feeling well, what do you like doing? Is it going for a walk? Is it listening to music?

Is it having a few deep breaths? Is he taking a shower? Is he seeing a friend? Is he calling your mom? What is it so I want you to write down as many as you can. And then once you have that list, I want you to put that list somewhere where you can see very easily.

So every time you are not feeling well I want you to look at that list. And I want you to do one of the things. They don't need to involve a lot of time. They don't need to involve money. Sometimes he's just going for a walk around the block, it takes you three, four minutes. And that's enough to calm you down, or to make you feel better, or to help you disconnect of whatever is happening in your life.

It's like having a timeout with children. Sometimes they just need to have a timeout. Just go to the corner, see they're quiet, relax, and then when they come back, they understand Okay, I feel better now. So it's try to try to do the same thing for yourself. So I want you to do that this. This is an example of one that we created.

We have 10 things here that we love doing. One of them is nature buffing is basically going out in the in the bush or into a park or green area. And that's really, you are kind of grounding yourself in the environment. You are kind of surrounded by nature and that really makes you feel really well do your craft all that great energy. Another one is practicing deep breathing, breathing. As you saw in the last video, it's up baby Seek human need.

So we all need to breathe. And we all tend to breathe very shallow that we don't really get a lot of. So I invite you to just breathe with me for a couple of times, just let's take a deep breath, and then see how we feel after this, just breathe like three, four seconds in. Hold it for a couple of seconds. And then if you do these three, four times, every now and then during the day, I can tell you that you will feel way better because you are getting more oxygen into your brain. So you can think more clear, you have more energy and you will feel more focus.

So that's a big one that we try to do all the time. People watching you are sitting somewhere that is nice and just seeing what people are doing. Spending time with your pet. We have a beautiful card and we love spending time with him calling a friend who listens Have you have fun with cooking a nice meal is also very nice. I'm healing, coloring or doodling, Samantha loves doing that. playing board games or cards, we play a lot of board games in our day just to break it down a little bit.

And then reading your February book. So you can add whatever activity or task makes you feel well, if you don't, if you can't think of any. I invite you to just write down very simple things, taking a shower, deep breathing, going for a little walk, just start experimenting things start going live, see what self care tips. And then if any of these that we have shared are no good for you try to go online, try to ask people what do you do when you are not feeling well? Try to get new ideas and then test them, experiment with them. See how you feel.

I invite you to do this exercise. And I hope it's helpful. I know it's going to be helpful. Hopefully you have fun and we will see you in the next video.

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