Once you've added all your content and you're ready to publish your site, if we go up to publish and click on it, you have a couple of options. So what Google does is this is the entire link. And if you notice this bold word practices, the same word that's here, they just pull whatever the title of your website is, but maybe you want this to be more specific to your topic. Okay, so let's I want to call it dogs at the end, I can click on it type dogs. Searching once you get this checkmark that means the word is available, that link is available. Sometimes you may get a message here in red that says that that word is used already.
So if it's a common word, like let's say of your teacher, and you want to make this your period, one site, a lot of times that's already used, so you have to come up with something different, but in this case, dogs is available, so I can publish it. I'm letting anyone view the site. Okay, I can make some changes, just like we did with the sharing options to only people in your domain. And you can click on this if you would like to not show up in a search engine, I'm going to leave it and I like to click Publish. And just like that, your site is on the internet. Now you notice next to publish, now we have a drop down menu before it was just had the publish button and not the drop down.
That's because you still need to have some options now that it's published. Every time that you make an addition or edit to this website, you have to republish. So if I come down and add another sentence here, then I have to publish it. Otherwise, the new edits are not on the website. They will be saved because it's a Google document in a Google Drive, but it will not be published. So you'd have to republish it.
The drop down menu has the options for if you want to unpublish it if you just want to view it on how it looks online, almost like a preview and the Publish settings of things before about the sharing options and do how do we want to we want to make this not searchable. Okay, so You will have to come here, and you can unpublish the site if you no longer want it. If this is a class during the school year, and the students don't want their site published anymore, this is where they can come to unpublish it. Maybe they're sending it to you for a presentation or two per grade, but then they can unpublish it. If you click on Publish again, we get that same dialog box. That's how you click Publish every time that you want, or need to make a change.
And anything you can change on here. So if you change your ad pages, if you add themes or change the theme, you can republish it. The only time you don't have to republish if you're adding contributors, that's different but if you add a link, or anything else to this website, you need to republish it. And that's pretty much how you use Google Sites.