In this lesson we're gonna go over Id love LL Cool J. Here we go. And actually this song starts like this. It starts with the baseline, but he doesn't play the baseline in the lower register like down here. He plays it up here that makes this song kind of unusual. Okay, so EDE g f. That's the same thing as the bass when you go into the song, okay?
The good thing about this song is makes it very easy is nothing but white keys, all white keys. F, my left hand is F and my right hand is F, C and together second chord, G, straight G chord G major g in the left hand, right hand G, B, D. So first second chord, third chord is notice how my left hand is moving along with my right hand this is a hint for you. The lowest note on my left hand is the same note as my left hand. Okay, so in this case, he third chord is a minor Right hand, left hand G, B in a base Okay, so let's start off together from the beginning. Okay, next chord D are you doing a slide down to the left each note slide down okay. So when my left hand is D, my right hand is F A.
Okay. So, start from beginning. next chord after that is the one we just did before this, which was he he minor Okay. And really that's all the course, we've completed all the course after this court is back to the G, which we already started, and then F. Okay, so that's all the course outcome or the course for the whole song. This whole song has four chords, four chords in it, and you repeat a couple of them from the top. I'll go real slow again, Once you get that, you go to the course, the course is like this sounds kind of like a nursery rhyme.
Okay, so we'll go over. So basically the only thing you're doing is you're playing the same chords that you started with. But you're going down. So in this case, you're playing each chord one note at a time starting from right to left. So my left hand is hitting em same as the seat. Hitting seat with my pinky, my right hand index finger on a thumb on the next board.
G bass, next chord a D in the bass and then C major. She seen the last column when I get to the C to take it back to the top you go Do it again. Let's play Lord. Same thing and then lower base for nice dramatic indie practicing