Identifying the Focus of Anger - Part 2 of Spirit triad

19 minutes
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Hello, and welcome to the positive power of being neutral. And in this part two of the Spirit tribe, we're going to look at things centered in the heart. And what does that really mean? Welcome back, Leroy. Thank you very much. And part of what this means is it's a great foundation for the triad.

Because the spirit triad is key to our long term, wellness and vitality. Anytime we go to neutral, it helps us right in the moment. And we want to handle things both in the short term and the long term. So this builds the foundation for us continued, continuing to get stronger and more fit and more neutral as we go through our life. So the it's made up of two parts, which is unfair. unconditional forgiveness and acceptance of yourself and others and going further in loving yourself and others.

And this lecture we're dealing mainly with to a Now, one of the key things is to deal with anger. And here's a nice quote from Marshall Rosenberg. Every criticism, judgment, diagnosis and expression of anger is a tragic expression of an unmet need. Yeah, I love this because it really gets to the heart of the issue that we have criticism judgments, diagnosis, and and even I learned from Don Miguel Ruiz that gossiping is like a poison. And I love what you say about about anger. And that is that is the gift that keeps on giving.

Oh, it's a perfect gift because it never stops giving and it gets weakness and reaction and issues and triggers. Such a debilitating energy. Yes. Another couple of really good quotes. Holding on to anger, resentment and hurt only gives you tense muscles, a headache, a sore jaw from clenching your teeth, forgives you forgiveness gives you back the laughter and the lightness in your life. Thank you, Joan luden Hmm, excellent.

And Aristotle, anybody can become angry. That is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time, and for the right purpose and in the right way. That is not within everybody's power and is not easy. Yeah, I showed that to one of my previous girlfriends that was quite angry. It didn't help her. Unfortunately, to see that, well, when we, when we get anger, it tends to be out of control.

I think a point here for Aristotle is if you're angry, of course you need to forgive but then you need need to be able to express with the other person, what it is you would like to see happen. So this helps you calm down, so to speak. Mm hmm. Excellent. So we need to check to see where we're angry, and then what to do about it. So this whole lecture is about checking for anger with yourself.

Typically, that's where we have anger, also with God government organizations, sometimes toward men in general and specific man, some tour times toward women in general as well as specific women. Sometimes Time toward authority figures. What needs to happen is that a person is able to just relax and realize that they're being angry because sometimes we suppress it. And then we need to forgive God self, man, women's, and so on. With no regrets. Nothing held back.

And really nothing needs to change other than getting back into your heart of unconditional love. And if forgiveness is not working, or if there is still anger, then a deeper level of forgiveness is needed. The issue here is it more than 70% of us humans are carrying and feeding anger. Hmm, yeah. Leeroy I'm just curious. How do you get that think of 70% Well, it's what I've experienced like in workshops and with clients.

Just checking to see how what percent are angry. And that's the number I keep finding. I mentioned this to a colleague who runs court appointed anger management sessions. And he said, it's more than that. He says, because because people will be sent by the court to take this anger management, and they'll say, well, I've never been angry at anybody in my life. And then all of a sudden, I had this outburst and I hit him.

And so it comes as a big surprise because it's been so suppressed. Hmm. And then and then as expressed as fee and an anger is the leading one of the leading poisons that the Buddha says, the poisons of the mind is anger. Oh, that's a good one. Yeah, the top three. So we, in order to deal with anger, we need to build a base of unconditional love, but guess what?

We have resistances to that. And again, when you think of what we've experienced in our life, and what we're left with, either non consciously subconsciously or unconsciously, we have experiences for example, that love hurts. Or that love is conditional. I'll love you If you'll do the dishes. Love is betrayal and manipulation. A lot of people feel love can't last and this human body and life and others feel Oh, well, if you go to unconditional love, you're gonna really be vulnerable and taken advantage of.

So what we're doing this to get love is is the wrong idea to you're doing something to get love from someone or for them to love you. And that is the wrong reason. So how do we get no total This lets you and I just talk this through. So what's the worst that can happen? If we believe all these five things, we'll probably be pretty pretty pissed off with everyone. Most people they believe love doesn't exist, you can't prove love.

Well, and also, I find when people suppress these negative experiences of love, and on the other hand, they want to be a good people and live a good life. They don't realize how much of this is holding on back. So it's like the clicks. You it's like going through life without realizing you're carrying this heavy burden and portion of your own mind. So what's worse than that? So your mind rots everything that you say and do hurts every single person around you and your insides just want to melt.

You just want to escape. Run away, totally collapse. And I had a new client recently who had a lot of anger and didn't realize it and is a really good person. But she was starting to have numerous serious physical conditions. And, and again, not realizing what was underneath it. So what's the best scenario if we don't have these beliefs?

Just feel always happy. always feel like the birds and the trees singing and just feel a gentle we have joy floating throughout our day. Oh, it sounds pretty good. That would be pretty good. And many of us would not be new to all that. So we're gonna for everybody who's taking this course now.

We're going to clear all the layers. Hundreds of quadrillions of layers of net have experiences and then of not being able to be neutral to the best scenario as well. We're just going to focus on the bid line and clear that right now. Okay, now once we clear these resistances get them out of the way. Then we are able to fill our heart and chest with love. And then in order to do that, though, because sometimes people don't immediately remember.

So what what we suggest is that you think about what does it feel like to touch a pet. For example, a dog's tail wag, a cat purr and a songbird song vibrate at a conscious level higher than most human beings. So we get these great feelings from touching them are watching children play Are when you're on vacation, having a good experience, or sitting in front of a fire, or remembering what it felt like when you first fell in love. So by finding where your joy and happiness where you were experiencing that, it may help you then remember times when you've experienced unconditional love. That's exactly what Tony Robbins says is is called an emotional flood. Because mostly we're flooding ourselves with negative emotions.

This person is wrong and they they shouldn't have done that and now everything screwed up and my days ruined and they keep flooding their emotions with terrible poison. Well, it's we asking you to do the opposite. Okay, and what does this do for us when you expand these actual Feelings of unconditional love that you have already felt in your life it's greater oneness with yourself it's a deeper remembering of who you really are a deeper step into your own power and also a shift in how you view and how you are with yourself. And again those shifts can bring up resistance and so we we clear those we get neutral, all those resistances. Now, okay, what are some examples that we can draw on? The these are experiences of unconditional love reported by several clients forgiveness, acceptance support, Joy living in the moment.

Peace calm contempt pleased patients are exhilarating inspire beauty, kindness, gentleness, for heart well being grounded present nurturing support. So what I'm suggesting you do is to take some of the kinds of situations that we suggested for example, I remember first love. This was way back when I was in school, and I was so exhilarated and so excited. And it just felt like I was just blooming from the inside out, and so happy and just felt tingly when I was with that person. Well, those would be examples of where I have experienced unconditional love. Do you have an example of Adam?

Yeah. Is there's so many, but a really. I think the most Certain one is seeing the sunshine and just watching sunsets. And just the colors of the sky changing. That really makes my heart feel warm. Because I watched so many of those when I was younger, I had a nice view from my room so was always nice to melt into the sunset.

And it is, it's pretty good one for me. And it's certain that's gonna happen every day, which I like it. It's always the show. We're going to ask you now to pause watching this video. And to take out that blank piece of paper and identify at least three or four or five times whether it's with pets or if you're a woman and had a baby or a father. identify those times when you've experienced unconditional love Write them down, it's time to capture them and to focus on because another way of thinking about it is when you have filled out that list, it's probably one of the best descriptions there is of who you really are.

So as we said earlier, this is going to help you broaden and expand how you think about yourself, as well as build this base for forgiveness. So we'll continue and when you come back, we'll be taking the next step. So here's what we get with filling ourselves with love is to melt our blockages, transform our lives. It's easier said than done. But when we do well, love is eternally present. And so we that's why we were dealing with the resistance senses and and when you focus on your experiences of conditional love You're nourishing the qualities and loving and honoring yourself and it helps to transform your health, your relationships, your finances and more.

It's a great quote and there's that second quote forgiveness brings inner joy and inner peace Yeah, I've been using these ones love mental blockages and transforms our life to give the springs in a joint interface to all life and just chanting them over to fill my subconscious mind with this is track of beauty. And I gotta tell you a lot of not a lot of people believe that love mental blockages and but forgiveness definitely people know about forgiveness. But I don't know anyone really truly accepted love as much as we could So I really love this approach. And we have another a couple of really neat quotes about how, where we need to focus on to deal with our anger from Brian Tracy. And you have his background there. interesting quote, there invest 3% of your income in yourself self development in order to guarantee your future.

And the way he describes it, is that we really, really, really must forgive a number of people in order to move ahead. And he focuses first on parents leaving her day ahead. You want to talk about that, Adam? Yeah, look, I experienced a lot of setbacks for my parents. Particularly when I when I had a child and I realized that they taught me If I fell over on the floor instead of just you know, getting up and brushing myself off, they thought, you know, while I was crying to distract me to hit the floor and blame the floor. Now, I look at that.

And I still think that blaming someone or something, took away my own personal power, and I bought into that lie. And so many of the lies that we teach, and the things that your parents say to you, horrific and horrible and, and some people they never have a good relationship with their parents ever. But if you if you keep focusing on this and melting the blockages, and it's really, really important, as he says here it says, you block your own chance to grow up and become a fully functioning adult. I was shocked when I heard that and you see yourself as a victim all the time. And so much stopped because remember your parents, we agree greatest teachers and negative feelings of inferiority. I had the absolute worst.

I'm not going to go into it here, but I nearly lost all my hair because of that, the way I interacted with the real world, so if they are living or dead, it doesn't matter. If it bothers you the rest of your life. It's a problem. It's going to be there. It's in your unconscious mind. So yeah.

And then of course, yeah, we focus on the second people, forgiving people, couples relationship marriages that didn't work out, gain back our personal strength and integrity. And he says to say I'm responsible, I'm responsible. He loves to repeat stuff. So there's some great mantras that he that he puts there on the on the web page just before, but you can just type type in Brian Tracy and find that and we're going to show you a really deep way of connecting to this and yeah, letting go of negative emotions and attachments. memories will diminish this. This is an interesting thing, which really goes into just forget about you ask someone to think about that person and they're like, Oh my gosh, I'm going completely blank.

And that's what it happens is they just go blank. That's when you know you're at peace. Well, we're going to continue this discussion of where we need to focus to forgive, you know, which people to focus on. And, and we'll pick this up in our next lecture. In the meantime, please, one of the most important things you can do is capture your experiences of the real you the unconditional love. We'll see you in the next lecture.

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