Course Objectives and Options for Becoming More and More Neutral

17 minutes
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Hello, and welcome to the positive how they neutral. And in this section we're going to cover the definition of neutral and close objectives. We'll come back, Leroy. Thank you. It's great to be back again. And now that we had background on how we make our energy weak and tend to cause ourselves to react in different situations, we want to clarify the definition of neutral.

And it's that when we are neutral, we stay objective, and are better able to understand people the situation and ourselves. were more open minded and balanced, unbiased and impartial. And what's really great is we create perfect harmony. When you look at the dictionary and thesaurus it's interesting because when I first heard about neutral thought you had to go off and sit on a mountain for 17 years, until you got detached from everything. That's great. And, and then I said, well, that's not gonna work for me.

Because I've been married a long time. I love her, I support her. And so when I went to the dictionary and the service, I found that you can be both dispassionate that is not influenced by emotions or personal feelings, and passionate at the same time. Having a keen enthusiasm or intense desire for something. You can stay balanced. You'll think of emotional and mental stability, calm, being rational.

And also you can be objective, which is being free of any bias or prejudice caused by personal feelings. And it's more based on the facts of the situation. Mm hmm. You can be open minded and ready and willing to accept or listen receptive to others, even others arguments attached and committed. And that is you're really devoted to or fond of somebody or something, and detached at the same time, unaffected by any form of bias, and of course on bias. And it's a belief that no people or ideas or anything is better than others.

And when you check, by the way, all these definitions in terms of a person being strong or weak, basically, all of us go strong to all these items that are in the definition. So and you had this in the reading, what are the options for becoming neutral and fortunately, there's many of them. Anyone may work for you at any given time. And of course, a key one that is part of this workshop is a neutral protocol. And we have that, because it really helps you dig deep to get neutral when nothing else will. Another way is going to a neutral space, for example, being strong to emptiness.

And it's important by the way to be strong to empty space in your thinking, and the hollow organs in your body where there's space anyway, between all your vertebrae around all your desk, between the layers of skin and your relationships and your universe. And when you're strong emptiness, it's easier again to become neutral. So Leroy that that that um, the options there with going to a neutral place, and we're skipping a lot of things in your relationships. in your workplace in a universe is that automatically include all of them. It may or may not depends on the person's beliefs about each one of them. But But if we can go this neutral space, when we focus on any one of them, then again, it helps us be neutral.

And then again, the other options for becoming more neutral. Did you want to talk about those a little bit? Because there's more on that page? Yes, in the workbook? Yes, there are. And, for example, being one with the ocean.

I found that's a wonderful one. I live on Cape Cod. In the summer, I go to the beach every afternoon after work that I can. And when I'm when I float in the ocean, I just feel like I'm salt and It's just dissolving. And really interesting too, because every wave all over the earth, every wave is different. So we can be both different.

And one at the same time. That metaphor really helps me a lot. Huh? Another way to get neutral is whole oponopono. And there's a write up in that in the appendix. And that's a story of a Hawaiian shaman who learned to get to neutral by feeling that everybody outside of him was a mirror.

And if there was something going on with them, that was going on with himself and he'd go in and love themselves and had amazing things happen. Yeah. He had been hired to work at a prison for the criminally insane and virtually everybody Somebody's got Well, from his work with them. And really it was his work on himself. That's a wonderful story. Please be sure you read it when you get a chance.

He on page four is another good one, which is, do I really want to create this drama? And kind of say to yourself, nope, don't want to and walk away. This is not burying it. You're shifting instead, I'm not going to create this drama app as meditation. And Dr. Herbert Benson, many years ago, decided to analyze the patterns and all the various forms of meditation that were being taught. And he found a pattern.

He described in his book, The relaxation response, and he said that if you do, you know use that pattern that you'll feel physiological impact and about six weeks, I did that, and I did feel the impact in my body. So he's right on. G is being thankful as though a situation already exists when you're grateful for it. It's easy to be neutral to it. Ah, comfortable to be in a place of not knowing while you're searching. When we're searching for something if we start getting impatient and irritated because we're not finding what we want, that tends to get us out of neutral.

So it's like Bishop being strong for knowing or not knowing. There's a couple of other modalities that teach the equivalent of neutral. One is called getting into the vortex by Esther and Jerry Hicks. There's a reference for that in the recommended reading list. And another one is called quantum entrainment. That's also in the reading list.

Actually, there's one more That's an organization in California that's done a lot of research on the heart. And they have a way of helping you get neutral call the coherence coach. That the I want, it's kind of interesting too, which is you expand out and allow yourself to be bigger than the problem you are imagining. So you just keep expanding out until you're one with the universe. And, and you check in with your body at each step, just to feel it and notice any changes in terms of what you see, feel, hear, imagine, and then expand again.

And then finally, you can create strength, joy, and lightness with affirmations as and center completions, and we have a exercise on this in the workshop. So there's many, many different options, the more of them that you can bring to mind and use, the easier it is to get to neutral in many different situations. Yeah, that's exactly right. And I guess, for me, working with clients as well, and myself, have found that a toolbox of tools, it's better than just one process, because I'll often switch between them. And many times, I'm unable to talk or I've got an issue that's too sensitive that I don't even want to talk about. I will use something like quantum entrainment or heartmath.

To, to live really get mutual to that issue, so that it can ask Surface quite well. And I feel that this list is really good. Okay, well then if we look at the overall purpose of the energetic well being, process is to support us and being the I am that is who we really are. And with three kind of key ways of doing that. One is transformation that is help us to experiences changes at warp speed that's for all Trekkies. In other words, to do it quickly, and that's again, we're having options gives you the power to do it quickly.

Rejuvenation has to do with being myself. Not trying to be something that I'm not really and getting to neutral to myself even and my thoughts, feelings and fears is a good way of doing That. regeneration has to do with renewing rebirth and growing a new. And it's amazing how when you get neutral, it does help redo the situation. For example, my wife and I've been married a long time. And there were many times where I didn't think we would make it.

And we've made it primarily because she has a lot of unconditional love. And I learned to get to neutral. And I found that as I learned to get a new tool, it just kept renewing our relationship. So it's powerful. And and we want to work on all these to keep helping us get stronger and stronger to our life. And Leroy before you change that slide.

I remember there was a story you shared because there's some interesting facts about aging that you learn From a young age in school, would you care to share that story? The I believe that what you're talking about is that the average age of death of men in the United States is around 79. And of women is 81. And, and so, those beliefs are enough to cause people to react. And so, we get neutral to being totally well or not well, to being totally reactive, not reactive to be degenerating, not generating. And, and that really helps us Again with a renewal of ourselves.

Hmm, yeah. And I remember you you was told in school that you degenerate 10% every year, every decade. Yeah. Oh yeah. That was in the science book in high school. It said it said as a fact, is the fact that that we are the human body optimizers is age 20 and degenerated by 10% every decade.

And these beliefs in our culture are really strong. I mean, I'm amazed at how many different ways I bought into them. And And boy, getting neutral to them is really key to again, being who we are and renewing rebirth and growing a new client they had, they were eating all these healthy foods and everything and then One of the siblings said something about their food and what they were eating. And they said all this bad saw to this to this food that you're eating, it's not that good. And she wasn't neutral, she reacted. And so, even even healthy stuff, and we're eating good food can actually cause us to go weak.

If we're not completely neutral to it. Yesterday, yes. And there is an article that we ask you to read about, beware of the warnings. Because when we buy into those we get out of neutral and cause ourselves go weak to even healthy things as as Adam is saying, well, let's look at the workshop objectives. So very specifically, as a as a result of you attending and participating In this course, we want you to understand the ideals benefits and power becoming 100%. Neutral to 100% of life's events 100% of the time, and for you to learn how to be energetically strong for becoming neutral.

Keep identifying what makes us weak and strong. Learn how to identify why you and others react to you on a day to day basis. Learn a step by step protocol for becoming neutral, as well as increasing the number of options you use. And doing this on a day by day basis, in the midst of your daily activities, for being ditto for yourself and others. And as I mentioned, using the options, the alternative way, eight, we want you to increase the energetic support for your desired state. So you really are supporting what you want your life and then one of the real payoffs then is to increase the daily experience of strength, peace, patience, kindness, respect, harmony, joy, and appreciation of yourself and others.

So that's what our intent is for you to get out of this course. And in order to do that, that means probably get you to shift and how you're doing something. And and if you look at page seven, how do we get out of the rut of being stuck? And how do we make this for a long time to shift our life usually happens when we have a significant insight or experience that shows us strong enough benefit to keep us going in a positivity shifting direction. And if you then be systematically getting to neutral Then we're getting back to our natural state of wellness and vitality and joy. So, to understand how we keep our energy strong every day, please read and absorb pages 12 through 15 to get ready for the next section in the next lecture in the course and thank you for listening

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