How Does Neutral Work on a Quantum Scale

21 minutes
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Hello, and welcome to the positive power of being neutral. And this is where we explain how the neutral process works on a quantum scale. Literally, this is an amazing process of getting to neutral to a place where we have no reactions and we are going to explain that in some depth detail. We'll come back, Leroy, thank you very much. Let's talk about the benefits of getting to neutral. Yes.

So I have one of my clients here, and she would like to share some points that she realized when she was doing your work with clients. Hi, my name is Anita. I've been practicing being nature for a while now. Yes. And what was the major benefits that you experienced? Oh, yeah.

Now there are a lot of benefits by practicing being neutral. One of them is, I realize it's easier to keep calm when handling problems or issues. It's easier for my mind to achieve the status of being peaceful instead of panic. And I think when my mind is peaceful is the best way for my brand to work the best to think out ideas or solutions for problems. And if I'm panic, my brand could be frozen and running out of ideas. So then did you have that experience a lot where you were experiencing a lot of fatigue.

Your mind was overworking and stressing out. Say, yeah, a lot of times, a lot of times very easy to get that happen. But it wasn't just just everyday thing goes up work and everywhere. Lots of things that cause that. Yeah, it could happen anytime, especially when facing problems or under stress, especially interesting. And what was the other points that you found that you benefited from?

The other benefit I found out it's by practicing being neutral when we try to find out what's the best could happen is actually get us being positive, which is get us be able to see the bright side of the future. Yeah, that's interesting, because when I, I worked with the client last night, they had, I should share with the neutral and then they looked at the worst side and then I realized, oh, there's nothing really bad about that. And then I got the Look at the positive side. And then as soon as they went back to looking at the situation, they were like, yeah, it's not so bad anymore. It's all right. No problem.

And, and without even, you know, just speaking through, it just helped a lot. So you have one more point. your major. Yes. Yes. Um, the other benefit, which I think is very important, which is by practicing being neutral, get us facing fear.

And when we practice in being mutual, we, we have to find out what is the worst could happen by practicing that actually, um, I feel like we are giving self courage to not running away from issues or problems and get us to facing fear. Yeah, that's a really important point because, for me, even still Sometimes to want to get to a place to look at the issue or the situation that I'm having. Even I done it quite a lot. There is still a certain hesitation that that may hinder in the background, oh, this could be scary. This could be fearful this could hurt me. And I don't want to think about the worst thing, you know, because it's gonna hurt me too much.

And I don't want to feel any suffering at all. Well, as Leroy mentioned in the beginning, it's not around, not about feeling that that suffering is this is really where the key point comes is where we can literally look at those issues. And of course, as I mentioned, the beginning about well, there's a thing about pure awareness, using that exercise. So just a couple of deep breaths, calming yourself first, and then preparing To take the step to look at the poorest look at the best. So that was some of the major key points where people may get stuck. And they may not want to look at the negative side.

However, it's critically important to look at both, as my client has just suggested that what would you say Leroy? Those are great examples of the benefits. And thank you. Thank you for sharing that with us. Well, so now let's, let's talk to the people taking the course. Did you get to neutral to the three issues that bothered you the most?

We're back to that key question, which was when you focus on the situation, and the worst and the best, did anything still bother you? And of course, if there was something still bothering you, that means you had not gotten to neutral yet. And then needed to go deeper, both in terms of what was the worst and the best. And when you do that, that's when you get the benefits. So, assuming you were able to get to neutral, what were the major, major benefits of the work for you? And, and because the more you are aware of those and experienced them, then the more motivated you will be to keep doing the neutral work.

Mm hmm. Yeah. Now a question that often comes up is what actually enables us to get to neutral and this is explained on pages 30 through 32. Could you please pause and read those pages? And then come back to the video So, okay, the question is what actually causes a negative reactions, we have to go away. Another way of saying that is what takes away the emotional charge we have.

And, for example, a way of thinking about that quantum physicist has observed have observed sub quantum particles, and to better understand them. And the big surprise was that they found that the act of observing the particles results in the particles changing state. In other words, if there was a particle they were observing, it could change to a weight, or it could change to an identical particle 4 billion miles out in space. Or if it was a wave, they were observing the act of observation would cause it to be a particle. And when we realize That to what we're doing is the act of finding the truth of the worst and the best just observing that clears away the roots of what is bothering us. Hmm.

Now, this is this is an interesting one is the source of our reactions can be resolved with observation. So, you may have heard of this author and doctor, professor, Dr. Bruce Lipton. He worked on the Human Genome Project, and now lectures worldwide on on this powerful work of observation and the powerful way to change our reactions, thoughts and even our DNA. So, the DNA is the long term memory. RNA is a short term memory and it says the moment you change your perspective is the moment you're rewrite the chemistry of your body. He's the one that says that your DNA is not the DNA that you inherited from birth.

This is no hereditary things that you can not overcome. He said that is only account for a very small percentage. So it's quite a great example that we have that in history, and now it's physically and scientifically proven. Well, and another example is, I had a female client I worked with and worked with her a lot about getting her to neutral. And, and she talked about well, you know, I still react to my husband. So I said, well, let's get new told to everything he says.

Thanks for does Everything he doesn't say Think or Do. And she said, Well, why that? I said, Well, if you get neutral, then you don't react to him. She said, Oh, yeah. And, and I said, you know, it enables him to be himself and you to be yourself. And so we work, neutral to that relationship and then many other things in his or her life.

Well, about three months later, she called and said, I don't understand. My husband has completely changed. And of course, we didn't actually work on him. But the act of getting her to neutral actually helped him shift his behaviors but because she had already shifted hers. It was it was amazing. She was so excited.

But that is such a significant point here that you rise that by changing herself she really changed her relationship. And her husband also reacted differently towards her. Now, now something that's a little bit more significant is that a mother and a child, most of the child's reactions is actually learned and reacting from what's the mother's fears and the mother's instincts, the mother's census, which is really interesting, I find that working on parents that their children change dramatically. So that's quite a significant thing that when we do work on ourselves, we do actually affect the people around us how they react towards us, which is it goes to show you there's no there's no use in blaming a single person for an issue when we're the ones reacting to it, and it's a we are our own person. We can change it. Well, and, again, we were questioning before, did you successfully apply neutral?

And is there anything still bothering you? As we say, this is where the rubber meets the road? In other words, are you getting getting traction and getting to neutral. And the challenge is that often we are not immediately aware of what is bothering us at a deeper level. And, and by getting to neutral, we bring that to the surface. Now, there is another explanation on page 31 of your materials that talks about how the how getting to neutral actually works.

And it's it's like your your deep programming what what's going on inside of you. So if you think about it, We hit the delete key on our computer, we don't really know how it works, we know that no, it works. Well, suppose we hit the delete key on your, you know the computer in your brain. And we're clearing away all things that are bothering all their affects everything that feels off or wrong or not working or dysfunctional. Everything our connections are connected with. And so we hit the delete key and one of the way that helps do that is again, get your central core strong.

And then we reprogram. And the reprogramming is to the divine blueprint or the true self or the higher self, the I Am, that is you. And we're reprogramming to your desired state. And so we can support that again by strengthening our midline By being energetically strong to everything, including blocks, situations issues and what bothers us and eventually just putting our being strong to everything on automatic, that's where we want to get to, from automatic reacting to autumn automatic neutral. Would you add anything? Yes, there is there is one thing because I did have a lot of issues with my parents.

And I do still react to them a lot because family I've found to be in all works of drama, family issues, dealing with issues with your friend is totally different to dealing with a loved one. Mainly because we are so attached to that person. We don't know how to remove that attachment because we've got such a strong will to help that person even more we would do even more terrible. Things to get to get their affection. And I just recently went to my mother's place and I always was angry about something upset about something. And she would get to the point where she was, didn't want to see me anymore.

And in the beginning, I did the work before I went to see her. Soon as I got there, I just exploited for about 10 five minutes, just saying some very silly things and very hurt. not totally inappropriate, but you know, just picking out common things that were bothering me about her place. And, and then I walked away, came back, and it was back to neutral. And then for the rest of the four days that I was there. I have no no dramas, not corals nothing, it was actually one of the most peaceful times that I've had been there.

So you will maybe have a little bit of a slip up or some issue that may come. But getting back to neutral, is automatic. And it does does come about automatically. Again, when you've made sure you've got all the root causes. I want to pick up that notion of automatic again, yes, and related to DNA and to the cells in our body. And this is on page 32 of your materials.

We have millions, trillions of new cells being born and created in our body every second. And and so there's newness happening all the time. So when we're, when we're reprogramming, we're actually welcoming the DNA and these new sets And bring it in. So that wellness is on automatic. And that's another way things can you know do happen quickly within us. Well, a suggestion is for you to share your experiences with neutral.

You know how you're wrestling with it or not? The benefits? Share it with a trusted friend are. If you're having trouble getting to neutral, get feedback. Describe to them. This is someone who knows you what you feel is the worst, and see if they agree with you.

And if not, ask them for feedback of what they believe is the worst for you. In other words, ask them to help you dig deeper by verbalizing what is worse than what you felt was the worst case scenario. Then do the same thing with the best case scenario and see if they agree with you. If not, again, ask for feedback of what they believe is best for you. And help you dig deeper by verbalizing what is better than you thrill was the best scenario. And this way, you get a chance just you verbalizing it helps helps you because it kind of the expression of it helps you get more in touch with where you are, and then you get feedback that can be very beneficial.

And I just wanted to touch on something else quickly. I just remembered that there is six basic fears that really I noticed that getting to death is quite a big issue for a lot of people. But I'm just going to mention the major ones where people could go and it's the six basic fees. Written by Napoleon hills Think and Grow Rich the six fears that prevent us from attaining wealth and success in life. And this is also in health and all those things. Number one fear of Paul poverty, fear of criticism, fear of ill health, fear of loss of a loved one with some someone, fear of old age and fear of death.

So maybe we can add that in later. But I can clearly say that those are nearing the end of the worst case scenarios. Yeah, and actually a couple of those you can make Worse still, which is not only being ill, but being incapacitated, with everybody having to take care of every bit of you, including wiping the putting off your mouth when it's sliding down. And the other worst case is that you die and you find out that it's all been a big farce. It's just extinction. So when you get new to develop going deep.

Okay, so that's good because we should share some of the deepest, darkest bad ones, but what would be one of your positive ones? The best case scenarios? Well, some of the best case scenario would be that that wellness and vitality and energy are all on automatic that and and everything happens with ease and synchronicity and that all your relationships are positive and cooperative and problem solving. And, and that you get new ideas that you're able to easily translate into positive outcome. So there's a lot of positives and and there is actually a section where we will spend more time on wording these and and filling them out more completely but those are some examples. Excellent.

All right. Thank you for listening to this video we're ready to next to go go to the next lecture.

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