So one of the things you may have already noticed in the project, or the update we've created is that who did these some custom for that particular application? Okay, so those custom forms, we're going to add them in this particular search feature. So all I need you guys to do is to just come come to this combo box and challenge, of course, you will feel to project instead of 100. No, this of course is going to list for us the structure of our project. Okay. Yeah, do it is of course with the operating system.
So all we need to do is to come to our app, then come to the source, and then come to the main and then in the main, I'll expect you guys to add a new folder. Okay. Then, inside the folder called the folder assets. Then inside the folder, create a new folder called fonts. Then paste your fonts. So I have this once the chalkboard, this is the main font I'm going to use, how the Roboto condensed, which he can also use it freely, okay.
So of course you can use whatever for today, you can look for online, just go Google Fonts will get numerous forms which you can use all you need to distribute the teacher file, then come paste it right here in the fonts, then we're going to be able to load it and then apply to our whole project okay. So, the design inside the assets you can see the assets is inside our main okay. And in fact, if we go over to our next product, you can see that we have literature. So assets just to denote mean inside of course, is particular up. So this is it is yeah, this is it. That is How to proceed to the next