So we need to come and design course, the layout for our database activity. Remember there is activities, our main activity in this case. Okay. So it's what is going to render, of course, our it's actually what these are will be interacting with most of the time. So you can see, of course, as the routes are going traverse that route will have, of course, a linear load to the particular orientation vector. Now, this will contain our date picker, as well as our RecyclerView track.
The recycler view, of course, is what is going to render our content. Then, of course have the book come we're going to the bottom navigation view. Okay, so lots of layout. As you can see, we've supplied it to this background color. Then of course, we have the linear layout to apply this padding, of course, to our linear load. Then, we have of course, the horizontal picker.
Which is our date picker. And then we'll have the RecyclerView which of course, will end our content. And of course, at the bottom, of course, aligned at the bottom of the parliamentary chat, of course, is the book from navigation view, which is going to show our tabs okay. This tab should allow the user to select Of course, what to filter. So this is this is our activity. There is the examine, which will be floated Of course in order is activity.
Okay, it's fully supported out. Let's proceed to the next part.