In this part of the course, we're going to start creating our wireframes. And to do that, from the homescreen, simply click iPhone 10 and Xs to create a new artboard. You can enlarge your screen like this. And let's quickly go ahead and create our screens. So as I said, we have 10 screens. So double click right here, I'm going to type in home and do Ctrl or Command D to duplicate this artboard, double click right here and type in category screen.
Control D once again, to duplicate this one, double click and type in search filters. And I'm just going to quickly pause this video and duplicate all of them and create 10 screens and then come back. And now that I'm back I hit Ctrl zero, and you can see how all of them look like and as you can see right here at the top. The names are the names are which I mentioned when drawing my wireframes on paper. And you can obviously include your own names here if you're creating a bit of a different project. Next up, I'm going to hop on on another XD file that are already previously created and copy some icons.
So I'm going to hit Ctrl V right here to paste them in. And obviously, you're going to get these icons because these are the icons which we are going to use in our projects. I'm going to place them over here, and I also have a logo, which the client sent me and this is not the final logo, but they sent me this logo for now. And because I don't do logo design simply don't like it and it's not for me, some other designer will create a better logo. This is just their logo at the moment. So we have all of the basic things set up and in.
I'm just quickly going to save it out. And to do that, you can come right here to the top, the savers or Shift Ctrl or shift Command S, it will open up and you can locate your folder here by clicking on it. And you can name your project right here. Well, I already did it, and I named it our project. And if I hop into the, with our resources, you can see that here it is, and you can open up this file at any point, it will be finished and you can use it as a reference when you start working on this project. And of course, you can also copy and paste different elements from this file and paste it in into your new file if you wanted to.
And you can also use it as a reference guide. For example, if you missed some sizes or missed image placement, or if we do, for example, in the opacity, and you just wanted to quickly check if you did the right job. You can also open up this file and simply Look at it and see if you caught it right. So in the next video, we're going to start creating our home screen and I'll see you there