In this video, I just want to show you my packaging structure, you can have your own structure, it really doesn't matter. What's important is that it needs to be easy for the developer to understand. Because inside of that structure that you created, developer has to access it and learn instantly where everything is just so that it speeds up their process as well. So before you create your packaging structure, you can zoom in a bit closer. In our case, as you can see, we have 10 different screens, and we need to create 10 different folders for each screen. It doesn't matter if it has just one item inside that needs to be exported.
You still have to create them as they are inside your Adobe XD. So here is how it looks like. So as you can see we have 10 different folders right here, as well as our style guide. What I also like to do is create another folder and call it assets. Press Enter. Because inside of that folder, we are going to export icons from our style guide.
And this is how we are going to do it. So you can go screen by screen, and then export all of these images. And for these PNG images, what you can do is export one background, so you don't have to export every background. Because if you remember, these three are exactly the same. So you can export just one background, and then export these three images as PNGs. You can export this image, you can export these three images, as well as this final image, which is for video.
But we are going to get to exporting in a later video. That's it for this file structure. I just wanted to show you how you can organize it before you send it to the developer and to the client. In the next video, I'm going to quickly show you how you can share this prototype with your client how you can get feedback How you can work with them and how you can make some quick changes and update that project and that prototype before you send it again to a client for additional revisions. So I'll see you there