Week one pull up top of spine day for massage. As previously mentioned, in yesterday's exercise, fibers of the skeletal muscle can get stuck in the short semi contracted face. by massaging these areas, you're encouraging the tissue to let go and release. an absence of tension in the muscle fibers of the neck makes it easier to pull the top of the spine up towards the ceiling. Moreover, the loose muscles mean you can sustain the good upright posture for longer because you do not have a tight force trying to pull the head back down again. The sternocleidomastoid muscle as seen in figure one j is a good example of this.
Thinking back to day one and figure one C. You can see that the sternocleidomastoid could become short and tight after many hours, weeks and years of holding the unnatural forward head position. Figured out one j The sternocleidomastoid is the large muscle on the side. The neck responsible for helping to turn the head, leaning the head forward or keeping their head stiff facing forward for hours on end tightens this muscle. Many people also tense this muscle when stressed, contributing to more tension