Today's framework is called the agree, disagree. framework, as its name implies, it's pretty straightforward. You're given a question and asked to state an opinion. Now, in previous lectures, we talked about getting off the fence, taking a stance, taking a position and then launching straight in to your answer. Now, this framework is a little bit more measured, a bit more considered, where perhaps, perhaps you're having a conversation with somebody, and it's important to show them that you understand both sides of the argument before you go on to take your position. I don't know if you've come across Stephen Covey's Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.
But I think one of those habits is seek first to understand and then be understood if you understand someone's point of view and he stated to them Then any objections they have or argument, argumentative coins are more likely to disappear, because they get that you understand them and they can relax. So agree disagree is a really useful framework to use out in the real world. Maybe at work, maybe, you know, family disputes, and you you state both sides of the arguments. And then you say, Well, actually, I this is my particular opinion on this. Now, before we look at some examples, once again, let's look at today's delivery tip or framework tip. Today's two tips are, first of all, to involve your listeners.
Now, especially if you're at Toastmasters, or you're in a situation where you have a group of people listening to you. What can often be fun and more engaging for your listeners is if you ask them a question. So you may even start out by yourself. You've been given a question, and you might throw out a rhetorical question to your audience. The question that you're asked might be, what do you think of space travel? And you may say, Well, guys, what do you think of it?
I'm going to give you my answer, but just take a moment to think of your own perspective on this. So you give them a second, or you may just launch into your own answer. But by asking them, you've engaged them, you've brought them into it as well. So most likely, they're not sitting there thinking, Okay, we're going to judge what he or she says, By thinking, Oh, what do I think about this? I'd be really interested in hearing her answer, because my opinion is x, but maybe she thinks y or Zed. So that's an excellent ploy to get the audience involved.
It doesn't have to be at the beginning. It could be later on during your talk. The second tip is the callback. Comedians often use callbacks. And what do I mean by that? Well, let's say that a comedian is doing a 15 minute set, and they make a joke at the beginning of their set.
Perhaps near the end of the set, they'll refer back or they'll call back to that earlier joke. And what it does is it provides a real sense of completion and makes things very circular. Now as speakers or even as impromptu speakers, we can make callbacks to perhaps our little speech is part of a conversation or some chit chat. And a comment has been made earlier. We can call back to that when we're speaking. Or even in an interview situation, perhaps one of the interviewers on the panel had made a comment earlier on during your answer.
You might want to be aware of that comment and how you can type Back in, which shows that you were listening. And also it's very satisfying to the audience because it creates this air that we're all in it together. And it's also quite gratifying to the person who made that original comment, because it shows that you were listening in particular to them. I don't think he really needs an example question now because you are a pro at impromptu speaking. But let's throw one in anyway. The question is, men are stronger than women agree, or disagree.
So I might start with Well, in a way men are stronger than women. If we look at the bodybuilders of the world, and we compare the male bodybuilders with the female ones, we'll see that the majority of the male bodybuilders have lifted and we go on. But then I might say, but in a way women are stronger than men. Women Have to give birth to kids. Women are emotionally stronger than men, because they're prepared to express their emotions more easily, which means that they're more comfortable with them. And we go on and you know, we could have a laugh with it, you know, wherever you want to go.
Feel free to answer this one yourself, too. Now it's time for you to answer your question. And the question is remembering to use the agree, disagree framework. All calls should be banned. Agree or disagree. If you look below on this web page, you'll see a variety of things that you can do next, if you want to carry on your impromptu speaking journey.
If you haven't already downloaded the checklist of different speaking frameworks, then please go ahead and do Do that. And you'll find several short speech frameworks. With a little bit more detail on each, how you can use them. All, you may want to sign up for a free, completely free seven day email course. Now many of the frameworks will be the same ones that you learned in this course with me. But all the questions will be fresh and will once again pertain to the different frameworks that you've been learning.
If you are really keen to keep moving on with your impromptu speaking and to move towards mastery, then I have a longer course, which is all about mastering impromptu speaking. in that course, there will be many different frameworks, and it will go over a 30 day period. So the first few days there may be some overlap with the course that you've already taken. But again, all The questions will be different. Later on in the course from day six, day seven onwards, there'll be new frameworks, new ways to approach impromptu speaking. And again, it will be delivered in a very sort of piecemeal way so you can stage your learning and progressively get better and better and better towards mastery.
So thank you again for coming on this impromptu speech journey with me. And I do hope to see you in the future.