Hi, welcome back. I hope you've been enjoying this program. So far. We're on week two. And so last week was all about cultivating the courage to do the necessary things in our lives in order to propel us forward. So the second part of this process is cultivating understanding.
So I think for many of us, we've heard that saying of like, I understand, someone will say that to you when you're talking or when they're listening to a story. And I think developing a true understanding of what understanding is, is really vital in that progression in our lives in any way, shape, or form. So, in order to understand something, it means that we can comprehend and when we can comprehend something, it ultimately means that we've been there in some way, shape or form being an experience, a situation and observation, whatever is we're saying that at some point or another, we have stood in that person's shoes, we have been in a mirroring relationship or situation similar to that person. And as a result, we can relate to them. We can say, hey, yeah, I can offer you some feedback. I know what it's like, I think about my own life.
And as a yoga teacher and owning a yoga studio, I have a lot of students that come in that are in a or are in recovery or are struggling with depression. And maybe it's a coincidence that I attract those types of people, I don't know. But that is a lot of my background. And so I can really relate with the struggles or those students and what it's like the frustration of not understanding of dealing with the highs and lows of the emotions. I have been through every step of that process. And I know what it's like.
I haven't just studied it in a book and I really haven't studied in the book at all. I have lived it and I've lived through it. So as a result I can really help those students and really relate with them in their troubles. And I'm not always there to necessarily give them advice, but rather just be a listening ear of someone that can fully support them and understand them. So I think this idea of understanding is really a foundational pillar for us to move forward into these next four weeks that follow up to this. Because in order to do these things to come, we have to first be able to have the courage to stand our ground, to use our voice to step up.
And we have to have an understanding of our life and the lives of people around us to some level or degree. So I think about myself and owning a business, I have developed such an appreciation for other business owners having my own business, and I understand and I know the long hours that it takes, how much time and effort they put into the little things that often go unnoticed. I know what it's like to lose One customer and how that can totally break your budget, or how you want to really make sure everyone is happy and learn everybody's name. I know what that's like. And so when other business owners do that, I noticed that and I'm like, Oh my god, I love it. Or when I go to the store, I can't not put my cart back.
Because at some point, I worked at Piggly Wiggly as a soccer and I would have to go out in the pouring rain and get all those carts. And so I'm very conscious of that need and understanding that that job sucks. And that if I can make that job easier for someone by following through and be a little bit more courteous, and I'm going to do that and I do believe in karma. So I do believe that that comes back. So think about and reflect on your life in these next coming days. And notice all the situations that you can be relatable with.
What are you understanding what do you need more understanding in and are you asking the right questions? Are you stepping outside your comfort? So to get more life experience, I think all of these tools are absolutely vital for us to continue to accelerate ourselves forward so that we can live the best life possible so that we can move out of this constant feeling of failure. And like we're a nobody and I have been there. And I'll tell you what, that cycle can be hard to break, unless we continually work and cultivate the courage and start to surround ourselves with people have a positive outlook, because you know what misery loves company, but I'll tell you what success and being optimistic and going for the goal. Well, people like that company as well, too.
So I'm here to support you every step of the way. And I really want you to think about where is it that I need to develop more understanding in my life? Who is it that I need to be able to try to become more relatable with? How is it that I can see something from another's perspective, these are all great self reflection tools. At the end of the day, it becomes a responsibility of ourselves. What can I do?
How can I change? How can I further myself to better help myself and those around me? All right. So good luck this week. Continue to do the work show up every day. And I know you're going to do great.
From my heart to yours from my soul to yours, no mistake.