Hello tester, and we finally got to the last class of our free Selenium curse to finalize our functional test automation process, we will now generate the execution report of the tests. But for that, it is necessary to answer it that familes question again. Is the test switch complete and consistent? Yes or no? Why the question? Because they wouldn't make any sense for you to generate the report knowing that your tests are inconsistent, but no, because there are bugs in the application, but simply by the fact that their scripts are breaking for lack of maintenance.
So, if that's your case, the test is ours to note running successfully. By failure even made an S then you we will know rarely you will be read direct to the step where you set your scripts. That is you import the script is any immediately you adjust and then you return to that stack, make the proper adjustments. If it is actually found that the application is bug free, no errors, then adjusted their script is so that they can get 100% functional just after you go through the execution again see if they really are meeting the requirements and if they are not breaking, if you stay with hundred percent then you go through the decision again and just time us where Yes test suite complete technical assistance. Yes. In our case, this suite is working perfectly, then we will be redirected to that last step of our process which is the issuance of bestest reports.
Destiny himself who will take care of that. If you repair that in our project, this default folder is generated, call it test output. were testing generate some reports in different formats regarding the execution of the tests. Even perhaps, that in your approach does not appear this folder you can simply come here to click it With the right click, and then refresh. The folder will be displayed immediately. Or simply, you can come in, do the bath, go figure.
Bude bed. Index says that destiny option the folder name it must be in output directory. I'm going to close here when you access the folder you will follow Cyril report file. It's here we have an x and L or other format in HTML format. But the main report, which has So say you're more readable and easy to understand layout. It is in the default folder sweet By clicking on the HTML default, this eclipse will open the report on a kind of web page where you will be able to check all day your test cases the timing that each alleged to be executed and their status which in the cases here especially, that is why every once we're in the simplified form, and you can forward this report, or even bring it simply by right clicking here in this space and choosing print Word scares the wizard to appear and you choose whether you want to print you're really you want to generate in format PDF.
You can also see how the printout should look. It's here I'm going to film here's our report on the test to run Okay. Well, that's it. We've closed it. Our curse He was a basic course acquaint girls but I think it was in the teach you the right away to automated tests to allow you to know that you needed to follow a process for you to perform these automation test the best possible way and in a more organized the way in a more efficient way. You are right.
I wish you a lot of luck in your carrier. Success in testing anything we see around a big hug and until then