Well, now I am done talking, and we're going to practice. Let's start by elaborating our first automated test script. And for that, I will use this site, you know test. In particular, the contact menu so that we can generate three scripts weren't to validate the layout of the form. In order to validate the received flow will be the Grinch sees me on the fields and also the mainstream which would send the message. Then, you will sit now hear how he works in practice.
The Selenium ID I'm going to access here like Firefox. I already have it as Selenium ID open. Remembering that you can lesson up to here. You can move a little more here without a problem into how it works. The first thing to do if you turn on the recorder option when you click this button and it is like it is selected means any interaction you have with the browser, which in the case is Firefox, Sylvania will capture this action and it will describe here in this area, all the source code So, as soon as you turn on the recorder, the first thing to be done is to access the site which will be this that which in the case, we choose this, that is the Libras dot, ignore the dash.com dot v ery slash contact. I'm going to press Enter.
And note that Selenium has not yet kept a read access to the site, because I have not yet made any interaction with the screen. All the way in, I do the first interest Is that the will catch your access to the page. The first test case will then validate the screen layout. So Joseph show me here. I'm going to click with the right button thought of the animated test case. And then you click Properties.
I will tell the name of my scenario remembering that by good practice is advised to use the prefix city precedent by the number of the test case. How does it my first one are you put here city 01 and then the name of the scenario? All together? Okay. No room. So I will put here for Ollie the layout.
Right validators Go, I will give you okay. We already have our first test case. And now I'm going to take the action as I want to validate the layout, I will use only the assert comments. They are search comments, as you can see here. I go here in comments. The Selenium YG has a huge list of comments and among them we have this one which is the author this coma the service to validate to their limits, know if the element is present, whether they LMH has a certain value.
Now if the element is market is a check, coma or governor limit state Use the context menu to make this capture the first thing you should check it tied off the page. Then I click right here on the title. That is send a message and I choose the search. Actually option. Just creaky here. That is this Alinea beat up the texture off that my element here, which is being your map ID by the CSS selector, as it has no ID and Name, the cylinder and beacon pick bike CSS selector.
This comment here that is generates automatically. It serves me too. Follow us on the screen. But it is does not come to be useful, then it can be delighted note that silly and ended up not including the open comment, which is the comedy to be able to access this site. And so validate my layout. He didn't do it because I just didn't have the clicker bottom four or just fill out a field.
I just use it the context menu for this. That's why I see learning disabilities si in this coma. So in there you need to add here by right clicking and choosing insert in new komen. When this space comes up here, I mean going to fill with the here by selecting the open comment placing the target As slash contact what's supposed to mean? This lane will be given open basically on the basis you are out there which captures automatically that the cycle arrows.in our dash.com.br and we will assign the contact directory so that it can be accessed at the contact form of this site. I will give it to click just to simulate and see if it's actually accessing in no way correct Okay, excess correctly.
So continue. I will map here and the other elements. And all the important elements to check if it is axes on this screen would be the fields themselves. So I'm going to click here with the right button on top of the Name field and instead of burning x our test or something of the sort, I will select this coma which is a certain element present. Namely, I wants to check if the element is present on the screen and repeat the procedure for the other fields. Including the Serb Image button itself.
Ready? Here's my first properly automated test scenario. So I'm just going to save it. Incidentally, before saving it, I can run it to see if everything is okay. And so I can save it. Never saved it before verifying that the script is actually working correctly.
So I'm going to adjust the speed of execution to be slow. So you Run at a reasonable speed in so the test you won't break. I am going to take a play one, so I can run this case. Let's see how it be held access to decide by the title and is now validating the presence of the elements. If you made a mistake here because I had a blank space That's right again. xS had to decide to validate the title and now validate in the presence of the feuds.
Okay, now we've just gone. Well, actually, before I say I'm going to create the next script right click that region, in choose new test following the same epoch, I will put c t zero to validate grid CS required. feuds. Remember that apart from being all together, it is advisable not to put x into Asia in their words. And in my case test I move on day to day Creech sees of the feuds when trying to say the message taking advantage of my first test case I came leverage the score much. I click on it, squeeze Ctrl C and access my new test case I can give you a Ctrl V there is based the semi Coleman then after accessing this I will simulate a click on the submit button without filling in the fields.
So I'm going to enable my records and I click the button know that the cylinder recognize that these action click the button and after a certain time, I will ask to validate the rig pi ridges fields. But before I will assign a post comment around seven seconds that was more or less that wait time for the server to respond with this criticism. Remembering that seconds are only reported in the milliseconds format. So 1000 milliseconds are a second. So as I was setting seconds, I put 7000 milliseconds. In the next line below, I will now map these creases.
I will also use the URL search common over them. I will pick the bottom right in each grid series, and I will select it as a test for each one. Okay, I'll review mopping. I'm going to run this test again. I'm shutting down my recorder. And now I'm going to rerun the test of the test to see if it's meeting the requirements.
Here he accesses this site. Click the button. However, by the affected that is server takes more than seven seconds to respond He ended up breaking. So let's just increase our poll here in 10 seconds. In fact, have saved No, this will stay for the next class. Let's run again.
I made this change. I'm going to play it again. Let's go to 70 minutes after this access to the site. Do you need this sub image button to view a wait for sequence? It is validate the reviews okay and all other test cases are tested. And lastly, I will create here a new test case that is the main string there is this angel message.
So, I will put here ct 03 send a message and I will give okay. And again do the same thing, I can come up with the first code for the previous test case in pasted into the my new good in this test case, I will simply fill in the field and immediately after clicking send away it invalidated the sending message successfully. Then this will use the type comment which is the moment to fill in the fields but whoever will do that you are on record. So simply I will enable it and after excess in this side, I will fill in the fields. I'm going to put my name on it Mike Mayo this subject good. Give me a pair See, Lino has captured all of these imperfections in the fields.
So he got through it by informing my name, my May my subject and they may search using the type comment. Finally, I'm going to click the Save button. Wait for that line. The waiting time you better see that'd be one bait my success message using author's text. Yo yo protect Wheaton time. I will research new common pause here and I will also put some things seconds That's Ripley this scenario again Well, excess did this site and now we start filling in the fields and click this button.
It will wait for the two things that constitute validates this success message Well, maybe Such ended up fine after 10 seconds that's why the mistake happened. I mean going to put here 12 seconds and never you repeat those good again. effect but 15 seconds to make it more secure. I will reproduce you again excess to the side. Big news to fear the feuds. Click this Send button and just Now waiting for 15 seconds time and validated success message.
Another test you can run successfully. And to finalize the big lesson, an interesting thing to be done in your scripts will be the comments. The comps help you identify what your script is doing in each snippet. To do this, simply right click on the comment you want. Then click a new comment line you will appear a bold, comment it where you can enter a comment. So the first thing that is done is Excess we this site after accessing the site ABS excess is the ino test site contact page.
They have all your detail you're better than here at that point by the date that they are layout of the contact form or rather do not need to use an infinity format we can use access the page The layout that is better. repeating those in the other cases of best here I can also copy the column two with Ctrl C and paste to we control v. here click New comment. Click this Submit button without feeling the fields. It's wrong here. Hi but that decreases C's are required. You Dudes get on the third wheel Oh schoolmate accesses the contact page and then you all feud Scott Peck at this point, good this standard button and from that point here but today's the sender's success message Ready.
So we have here our three test is working perfect and all duly commented in the next video lesson, I will show you how to save the scripts. A hug head until then