Hello tester out right here who is speak is who Paris and I want to welcome you to our first free course College of functional testing automation process with Selenium. This course is geared towards beginners in the subject and who was in searches let's say a raise it to start your meeting your first test is properly organize it in a decent way. Well, we start with my presentation as I inform it, my name is who Paris. I graduated in analysis and systems development by oni Carioca and also post graduate in software engineering here by us energy. I exercise it for three years the function of Destin allistic in our reputation Both software factory here on the Rio de Janeiro. And these experiments are granted to me, let's say a luxury so like Cortland, my first book on selling in Portuguese that is included in the English and the Spanish version.
I'm a very accomplished the way bad parentally I young the Nova test a project that I created whose goal is to disseminate knowledge about test automation throughout the world through my books in also from my course. So, thanks for watching and see you in the next class.