Hello. In this mind nearly four years, I had been acting with automated tests. Without adapt this Alinea was the best software test automation solution I've ever encountered. And I would have it countless more years to convince you to also adopt the this demand test automation to but I made a point of least and only the main and most important ones here. The first reason is that true it you will be able to create an independent testing script type of browser or operating system you are using. just rude Selenium IGP which is a Firefox browser and plugin.
You also in the Selenium ID will be able to edit plugins that allow you to elaborate script is in a more abusive way to better meet business needs. Not to mention that through Selenium WebDriver, you will be able to integrate this scripts which you have to generate to test your project between Java, C sharp, PHP, Python or even Ruby. In addition, you will be able to perform configuration tests and also performance tests to the execution of the distributed or parallel tasks, which is throw the agreed solution. That is with only one script, you can run it multiple times in simultaneously on a particular machine. Or even you can run it on any machine that is connected to a network. This machine can be a Mac can be a Linux can be a Windows.
Machine may be using Chrome, it's a browser. They all there may be using Firefox, or Internet Explorer or another Safari. It doesn't it doesn't matter. Your script destiny will run normally. Remembering that selling new has been used as the main cloud testing technology, which is the fair most clouds testing. Today, the services quite famous on the internet.
Many companies had adopted this type of test and the main companies responsible for this type of tabs. For example, cross browser testing source labs. Also the browser stack. And celyn was developed by large professionals in the area of Kili. As for example, still no WebDriver was created by a former Google software testing engineer. Did you know that and he is currently working on Facebook.
We also had people who participated in the project and belong to the Mozilla Firefox organization. And among other large companies, as you can see here are the main companies where there were professionals who were involved with the with the Selenium design and the main reason for you to adopt it, Mr. Daniel Are you working with a hint is there it is totally open source. In other words, besides being free, you have access to say so to hear source code where you will be able to the customization you want to make in adapt in the best possible way to your business to the project in which you operate. So, this is the coolest thing, selenium. So, I hope you've been impressed by all these advantages are still there now. And in the next class, we will talk a little bit about process in software testing.
See you then