Enjoy the video then try this optional practice
Journal enquiry
There are moments in all of our lives when we have felt unsafe, unworthy, abandoned, or ignored. Many of these types of experiences leave a residue, even though we may have felt like we dealt with them. Often, all we have done is push them aside. Taking time to revisit some of these moments can be painful but essential for their genuine release.
The first step in dealing with this type of blocked energy is to bring it into awareness. We cannot change what we are not willing to look at. Writing down some of these experiences and how they made you feel is powerful. We are not indulging these feelings but simply acknowledging their right to exist. This gives them the opportunity to be fully expressed and released.
A great way to start this type of work is to sit with some of the questions from the video:
Be kind to yourself as you explore these delicate areas.
Remember, the acceptance of all that has happened in your life is an awakening to the miracle you are. It took the entire universe to create you, and you are not a mistake.