
Stones Along the Rainbow Path The Solar Plexus Chakra
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Enjoy the Video, Spend time with your stone and try this optional practice

Facing fears and taking risks

  • We all have fears and though this challenge starts in the first chakra, it is here at the solar plexus that we develop the inner strength to overcome them. Fear is a natural human response designed to keep us safe. It is only when this fear creates an energetic block that it limits us. You overcome this block by getting a sense of your personal power and there is really one way to acquire this, action. Now the type of action I am proposing is actually birthed from stillness, but we'll get to that in a minute. Consciously and willingly exposing yourself to risk is the best way to grow this muscle, but there is good news. You don’t have to do it all at once. In fact, slow and steady definitely win this race.
  • Write down one thing you are afraid of. Again, start with something small. Then write down I am willing to face my fear of (insert fear). Pay attention to where this fear lives in your body. Do your shoulders tense? Or maybe you clench your jaw? Now, it's time to invite the stillness I mentioned.
  • You can do this by looking at your sentence, I am willing to face my fear and take a deep breath in, exhale and relax this part of your body. Do this a few times, then write down one simple thing you can do to start facing this fear. Working your way through this can take some time, but with each step you take, Celebrate.

This is the process of releasing old energetic patterns.

Personally, I can say, creating this course terrified me when I started but one step at a time, facing one challenge, one fear at a time, and little by little, I overcame the fear, and look what happened. You are here and I am so glad you are.


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