So for the first section on writing, we're going to talk about free writing, which is something that I'm a big fan of. It's something that all creative people do. All creative people have done since time immemorial. And it's something that you can build a practice in for not only your comedy writing, but for life really. And that's to take a notebook like this one, I've already asked you to get a big notebook. Hopefully you have one by now.
And you're going to sit down, you're going to open it up to the page at the top of the page, you're just going to write down the date, and then you're going to start free writing. Now, sometimes you can write down the name of a subject I did one recently about whales. For some reason. I want to write jokes about whales. Go figure. But you write down the name of the subject.
Maybe you write down the date for sure. And then you just go you just start writing you just write sentences. You write thoughts, you write questions, you write anything that comes to mind and for 25 minutes, you don't stop moving your pen. You go from thing to thing to thing, and you get your brain into the concept of free association. If you come up with a really good question, you put it to the side if you come up with a thought that Maybe you want to expand on later or reflect on you write it to the side, you get back to writing into the purpose. And we're going to show you here in a second how I do it.
But I would encourage you to do it this way. Again, set your timer for 25 minutes and just go at it. You're gonna write down anything that comes to mind. You're gonna write down lists, you're gonna write down questions, you're gonna write down facts, you're going to write down thoughts and feelings. And I feel this way about whales. The first whale I saw was this such and such a year, I have never seen a humpback whale in real life.
I wanted to go whale seeing but I'm afraid to go to the Pacific Northwest because there's going to be an earthquake one day, any of that stuff. The idea isn't to discern right now, the idea isn't to use discretion. The idea is to be indiscriminate. It's to let free flowing things come out of your mouth, come out of your pen, come on to the page, and really just get out into the world your all day long. You walk around whatever your waking life is with the filter and you have to filter in and make decisions about what you're going to say and what you're going to do in the process of free writing is the Get rid of that filter, you want to get rid of it. Because deep inside your brain is really creative stuff that you've probably never been able to see or hear.
It might even not even know if it exists. You might not share it with your friends, you might not even share it with yourself, it might come up in your dreams at best. But if you start free writing, you're going to get a sense for what your deep mind even thinks about and that is a powerful thing. So let me show you how I do it myself. And we'll do the voiceover as I show you my my writing process in the notebook and how eventually and I'll show you how we can translate this later in the editing process. So get ready, get your pen ready and let's hit it.