You're here, you've made it. Now it's time for the punch line writing section of the writing unit. So here's the thing. Ah, trying to describe how to write as a comedian is a little strange when you're trying to go through it because punch lines are their own unique animal setups you hopefully got the idea are pretty simple, right? They're not too tricky. You basically take the emotion, throw it on to the question, you get an idea of a statement, that's an expression of hopefully, truthfully how you feel about something.
And it's a little interesting, it also gives you a direction to move in. That's called the premise but we'll go through that in the next unit. punch lines are strange, because there's many different ways to do them. And what I would encourage you to do is you can watch this section first or you can go watch the joke structure portion, it's a unit unto itself in this course, and the punch lines in that we will talk about in that unit are going to help you for the punch line. Writing of this bit. Now, that doesn't mean stop here, go ahead and watch this, we're going to talk about an approach to writing punch lines, whether or not, you're going to actually use the punch lines from the punch line section or the approach to punch lines from the punch line section.
This is an approach to writing. And you don't need to know about punch lines from the punch line section. And in order to do this, although it would make sense and it does help if you take a look at them. But what you see that I've done here, let's jump into it is that I've separated out punch lines in their own separate space. I've cleaned it up a little bit too, because we see over here that I saw the questions. You know, this is why doing it on a computer if you're using the list writing method makes sense.
I think it's a little harder to do in a notebook like this, but you can still do it. Hopefully you're using a computer. Obviously, you have one if you're watching this course, there'll be a little weird if you weren't, I guess you could be watching it on your phone, but you could do this on your phone too. So anyway, what you want to do is take these bits which are the bits that you wrote and toss them into here, you want to toss them into this side in their own space. And what you want to go and do is create two spaces in between each of them. And I'll explain why in a moment.
But it gives you a lot more room here. If there's any questions or setups that you have that you maybe aren't interested in for some reason, you don't have to put them over here, you can get rid of them, you don't have to translate them, I would encourage you to only use the ones that you kind of are interested in exploring. Although sometimes if you throw an uninteresting one in, you could end up finding interesting punch lines. But this is the approach that we're going to do. So punch line writing can be a little challenging because this is the part that comedians get paid for. Anybody can write really good setups.
Chris Rock once said, not writing good setups is a good way to have bad jokes, which I think is true. But writing setups is not where the money is made. The money is made in punch lines. punch lines are difficult to write. That's just get it on its face. I'll probably write a whole bunch of them here that are They're not very good.
And you're gonna be like, why did I pay for this course and you're gonna go demand a refund. But hopefully you're cleverer than I am here. But you have your own lesson in front of you and encourage you to do this. Roseanne Barr once said, and this is the method we're going to use here that you should write 10 punch lines for every joke. 10 sounds like a lot. But she goes, you should keep the first and you should keep the 10th.
And the reason is, because it it, it causes your brain to go with its first impulse, which is normally good. And then it's last thought you got no more gas in the engine, you're out of places to move, you're gonna throw up the most ridiculous thing possible. And that potentially is going to be funny also. So what you want to basically do and we'll dive into this again, more in the punch line section is just write 10 of these things that basically address and continue the premise or the setup that you have here. So I'm going to actually go ahead and create a list for each one of these. And I've already kind of started writing the joke here because it comes naturally from the setup and we'll talk about that.
Hopefully you have some of Those also. But I'm gonna go ahead and create for each of these a list and we're gonna go through and start writing the the punch lines together here. So you get an idea. It's awesome that we have the technology to have slurpees imagine how much better we have been literally everyone else in the past, how many wars worse were fought because people couldn't drink cold stuff, how many slurpees this is really a continuation of the same thing. How many slurpees could have saved people's lives? You could even expand that and I would do is do it in the next punch line, which is you can name specific historical events.
Nobody who marched to Selma, Alabama, had a Slurpee if the police in Selma had just been given Slurpee, by the way, you can tell I've, I've let I've let my machine know what a Slurpee has been given a Slurpee. They won the civil rights movement would have been over in a few weeks. Maybe that's a joke. Maybe it's not but it's a it's one, we're gonna keep going with it. Imagine how much better we have it than ever, literally everyone else in the past, which is kind of scary, actually. Because, imagine the slurpees the future will have they could be amazing.
They're going to be um, they're going to be uranium flavored. That's so stupid. Uranium flavored moon slurpees. You know, like moon pies except slurpees. They're going to be zero G which is you drink the Slurpee. And oops, not supreme Slurpee, and you go waitlist, uh, that that actually just gave me a new idea for a setup, which is that eventually there will be a 711 on the moon.
That's a idea for a setup. So hopefully that should be happening to you too as you go through this as you'll be getting new setups as things work through. It's actually kind of fun, isn't it? Where I'm having a good time. Hopefully you're having a good time, six and a half minutes into this video. So we're just gonna keep going, we're gonna I'm gonna try to do 10 for this.
It'll be a little bit but we're gonna work through it. Imagine future slurpees how much better we have it than literally everyone in the past. Maybe scientists will divide history into pre and post Slurpee time reckoning, like we have BC and AD or BCE slash CE II. We've we're gonna have Pre pre Slurpee and post Slurpee. Maybe maybe the Slurpee will come to be understood as history's greatest invention, actually, except I'm just thinking as I'm writing this, that it's not actually so maybe, maybe the hit a Slurpee was invented in 1982. And nothing interesting has happened since.
Remember, we went to the moon in 1969. Last moon mission was the year I don't know when it was but let's say the year the Slurpee was invented. No Mars mission. Nothing good. Nothing good has happened. The Slurpee this the Slurpee was the culmination of his Even though you could say the USSR fell, I guess maybe I'll take that and actually put that back up into post.
Slurpee time reckoning USSR fell. So you can see that we already have two different ways to take this joke. And I'm only on number five. So I got five more go. You guys are probably going to skip this video. This guy sucks at comedy anyway.
Imagine how much better we have it to literally everyone else in the past Slurpee was invented in 1982. How much better we have it in the past. Um, I would say uh, animals can't have slurpees. And eventually, philosophers will call that animal cruelty is that the eventually the animals should have them that we need to make them available for all people that's kind of similar to that joke that I was coming. up with down here, what else and it's awesome that we have the technology to have slurpees I think slurpees not having slurpees will be the biggest problem in the apocalypse. There'll be the biggest problem altogether that the the first bullets that will be fired after society collapses will be for slurpees are going to be hunting those slurpees down.
There's going to be there's gonna be there's just the first apocalyptic battle world war three will be over slurpees that's maybe kind of funny that the word technology is what stood out to me there. Um, you can just keep it going. Let's let's do the last three here and then we'll move on to the technology of surprise. Imagine how much better we have that literally everyone else in the past I think I think the UN should open to a Slurpee drank by everyone and every country should have their own should have their own local flavor. Like so France should have a, you know, cheese flavored slurpees we'll call that or maybe Sham board, which is just as ridiculous. Germany should of course have bratwurst flavored slurpees.
That makes sense. And then immediately all of the African and, and Latin American and an Asian, tropical, third world countries, which I know is a bad word now. But whatever third world countries will become massively popular because they've got all the tropical fruit. suddenly everybody wants to hang out with those guys in the UN lunchroom. So there's a punch line. Let's keep going.
Technology slippage. Imagine how much red and literally everyone in the past maybe, maybe maybe we don't maybe maybe people have imagined slur Gee, imagine slurpees. From all of history, we've got cave paintings of slurpees in in the Lascaux caves in France, and and only now only in 1982 could they be deciphered but we can't make them because they require saber toothed tigers. And they're extinct. A just another reason that we should be careful about our global environment. People have imagined slippers from all of history.
Leonardo da Vinci had a drawing of a Slurpee in his notebooks. But, but he, but he died before he could get there. Not too funny, kind of sad, whatever. Let's go to the 10th punch line. Finally, we're here. We're at the most ridiculous part of this, hopefully 1213 minutes and you're still paying attention.
You're going along with me you're thinking of these at the same time, maybe different things to right. People have literally better than everyone else in the past. So maybe all of this modern, both bullshit is worth it. taxes, taxes and Donald Trump and social media and other Bs, global warming. It's all worth it to get a brain freeze. There we go.
So Are any of them funny? I think some of them are. And some of them are going to be expanded on basically. But this is what each of these should look like, does this seem long and time consuming to you? It's been about 13 and a half minutes into this video. We've done this together.
I think I've repeated this in my to you about 15 times. But this is how you do it. So I want you to do this to each one of your setups. And again, if you hit a setup that you're like, maybe not that interesting. Like this, for example, maybe you start doing autocorrect and you're like Actually, it's not that interesting of a thing. Well, then you can just go ahead and not do you can move on and do an And more interesting setup because you want to, you want to do it.
But I would encourage you to do this for all of them, you want to write 10 of them, go through them. And then what you're going to do and we're going to go through this in the in the punch up and editing and how to sort of edit material because not jokes are not just written or edited. We're going to cut out the ones that are not interesting and expand on the ones that are interesting. So that's your 10 punch lines. That's how to go about writing punch lines looking forward to making this work for you.