Now, this will be something interesting, very, very interesting showcase, which you can do with three photographs. They don't have to be equal, but it will be important that the top and bottom one will be equal. Okay, how to do this the quickest possible way to copy this slide over? No, no, just kidding. We can copy one of the existing slides we already have, and fine tune it a little bit. I'll Ctrl C, and Ctrl V to slide.
Let me delete this empty one. I'll move everything from the middle here aside, and I want to establish those three photographs, or the text can be also on the site. This text also on the site, okay, how do we make three equal photographs. I'll take one photograph, format crop, and I'll crop this down to the portion of the image I want to the portion of the slide okay. Let's assume that this is what I want. I want to make this image now smaller.
So more of this image will be fit in here, crop. Now we want to take the second photograph. Now we'll even delete it because I want a different photo. I don't like the photograph that we used previously. And let's maybe again, or this one, this one is pretty dark as well. So many nice photographs, okay.
Selecting this photo, you want to put this besides the photograph you did here. You want to hit again on crop. And now I will crop it to the same size. What's cool about PowerPoint, this is one of the things that PowerPoint does better than other things. It will automatically snap to the same size. Now it's just a matter of putting it on the bottom side.
Okay, we have this. Now let's take the last photograph. I had the parrot. In my case and the parents. It's like automatically perfectly snapping in the middle. But I want them to be a little bigger for that crop.
And if I crop them exactly to the, to the picture I have here above and and under it. Then I extend those a bit or replace and move them maybe to the bottom side because I want here a big circle, crop and boom and we are perfectly prepared for this slide. This can either stay this way, or you are taking this entire thing and putting it right click Bring to front so everything is on front and just put it in the right place Ctrl C Ctrl V or Ctrl D to duplicate. I'll put this on the bottom side. Of course I need to change the text that can say always 20% of maybe here, only one textbox one will be deleted. Pick the circle, press Shift, press Control make it smaller.
Boom. Okay, I'll put this back. And this is something very simple. I mean, delete the text, I don't need any text. This is something very similar or the same, which we did on the previous slide. Yeah, just different photographs.
But essentially, a bit more here, it was a bit smaller. Here, it's a bit closer, a nice close up. And I'll even show you absolutely great techniques, how you could enlarge the image in the middle when we come to the animation part. I want to separate the animation part and the design part because some of you seek this design part more. Some of you want to know more about animation and what can be done. There's maybe not much advanced stuff we will do But definitely, it's some absolutely great tips and tricks, which you can incorporate in your work in your videos.
And in order. It doesn't have to be of course for Instagram, it can be for any type of media you are presenting your videos on. Okay. This is it. This is the One of the nicest design from from this template I think, and we will see each other in the next design. Let's continue