Now this lecture will be pretty short because I want you to select a theme for yourself. You have two options here. Either you create the same thing that I do with similar photographs or even with the same photographs because I will be allowed to share them because they are free of charge to use or you will select your own team. And you will do something very similar just with your pictures, your branding, or eventually your color of your company, or the company which you do social media marketing for, or just for your Instagram stories or posts. It doesn't matter. I just want you to pick a theme.
My theme here is a jungle theme, forest theme, tropical theme. And when it comes to the design, I was thinking something universal like a shop or discounts or just a showcase. So this is why they made those very universal slides and very universal designs or little posts. service which could showcase basically everything I just run into some photographs like this. So I wanted to be consistent. So my selected theme here is wild, tropical forest jungle.
Something along these lines, you can of course, follow my path and do the same just to train yourself in PowerPoint and in this kind of design, but if you want, you can select your own theme and for example do the same just with different pictures and different like fonts. Okay, this is your turn. Now select your theme. Think about it because it's very, very important that you know, the path you are going not just randomly designing like, not knowing what to do. Okay. See you when you have this selected