Waiting for the paper to dry. I'm just going to take a little time to sketch out just the composition a little bit, get a sense just work out a few visual details. I know I've looked at this, the wisdom to capture is taller or wider than just tall. The height of the years is approximately the height I mentioned in the eyes. And just getting a few things established as I'm drawing it, and as I'm painting it, I'm trying to have a better sense of what's going on. Initially, I was going to Why?
Because part of this is just taking some time to make sure I'm using any extra spare pants or after they're really kind of dark because first pencils, you would want to use an H or H hardness as you're transferring on to your watercolor paper so that you're not getting really sick pencil lines on it. The other option is to use watercolor pencils, once that dissolve as you're doing, especially if you're your animals and all in the grace grace schemas This one is you get into the painting started paying attention to the factors not just the couch, the couch our choice picture that we have actually choices