Here we are in step one of creating the map. What brings us here? What's our goal? What's our intention? What are we trying to solve for? Or what starts our investigation, we may not know what we're going to learn through the exploration of creating this map and going through what we learn.
But there's a reason why we're starting to learn. So part one, what goal problem or need are we here to explore? What do we want to investigate and why this can be a part of an ongoing process of improvement? Maybe you update your portfolio every year and it's time to come up with new reasons and focus to make make changes. You want to gather some insights and gain some evidence to you know, to know what you're doing next and for why some examples of questions that might instigate this Some questions that you may have that start your investigation for example, maybe you're doing an update to a long term project. And it's time to, to dig in and choose where is it most important to focus your effort?
What makes sense? So you can use a journey to to help that learning process. So maybe you have a question like, what is it like for a user to come visit? Maybe my your portfolio if this is a solo project, or what is it like for a new person to be starting on your team? What's that journey? Like?
What is it like for guests for your board gaming party that you're planning? You might be mapping the journey of someone who is in the process of using All sorts of tools and services to go shopping. supporting a product, maybe someone needs to get drivers for a thing that you made or that your team made, or they have other questions or needs to address. A journey can help you dig into that and investigate. So now that you have a goal, here's an example one. So what is it like for a user to service this product or get this helper out that they can get more use out of this product?
Well, my journey has a framing. There are moments in time. It's not just about the goal. And then one action happened to get to that goal if we explore the steps and have a chance to make more observations, more moments, as far as the progression of going from From start to finish, we can we can get more insights by making more observations. So then you'll have a journey that is, at the very least in three stages to start, middle and finish. But then again, what if it was a little bit more?
What if you had the context of before? And then maybe there's more steps between the start in the middle. And the more steps between the finished and maybe after the finish. There's an end then what? framing the journey in these stages of time will help us out and we've got a goal, we've got a framing. So now we've checked off step one for creating our journey.