Okay, let's do a variation of the countdown method. Now instead of doing inhaling on the evens, exhaling on the odds, we're just going to count each respiration cycle is one. So inhale, exhale is each count, so 10, nine, etc. Now the way this is going to work is you're going to continue to breathe slowly. But here's what we add. You're going to visualize with each number that you're counting each breath cycle, you're going to visualize the number now can just trying to see the picture of the number in your head, or you can do like I would do here at the board, where it would be something like this, I would inhale, seeing 10 like I'm writing number 10 the exhale I erase it, and then I would write nine as I inhale.
Exhale, over it right and so on and so on. So you're engaging your brain in a slightly different way right at first, you're just focusing on your breath. Now we're adding another layer by giving our brain something to think about. If you just see the number, that's fine, if you can see yourself writing that number and wiping it out, then that's going to help even more now as our brain starts to work, it's going to start to get a little tired. And that's going to be how we rein it in, right? Because the brain starts to sometimes act like a dog that's got a little too much energy when you're trying to take it on a walk, and it just runs and pulls and pulls and pulls.
And what we're doing is we're just allowing it to have a job and do some work. So it starts to tire out and then once it gets nice and tired, it's going to be right on track. Okay, so for this method, just a nice slow breath. See the number, race the number, see the number or race number now when you do this You can set your timer for 90 seconds. And that'll give you a good mark. So it should take you somewhere around 90 seconds, you know, give, give or take a few seconds.
If you get all the way through before 90 seconds. Well, if you get always, within a minute, you're probably breathing a little bit too fast. So you really want to try and slow it down. But if you don't have to go all the way down to one, you don't have to go all in 90 seconds. Right? What you want to do is just make sure that you get your mind into a state that you want it to be.
And so if it takes on 90 seconds, or if it takes going all the way down to one, that's what you do. If after, you know three breaths, your feelings in there you are okay, you don't have to go through the whole routine. You just need to get the result that you're looking for. And if you feel you need to do it again. Do it again. Okay, so breathing with counting backwards, visualizing