Okay, another way that we can create this focused mind set shift within about 90 seconds is to count our breath. So when we do this, we basically are doing a countdown as opposed to counting up. So you can do this in about 90 seconds by starting at 10. And counting down to one. And the way we do it is like this. You start at 10.
And that first one is going to be your inhalation. Nine will be exhale, eight, inhale, and so on, and so on. So you go all the way down from 10 to one, don't try to hold your breath. We're not trying to do the super, super, super slow breath, but just a slower breath. So it would be something like this 10 987. Okay, so it's just that simple.
Breathing in slowly but in a natural, slow way. Inhaling on the even numbers, exhaling on the odd numbers, counting down