In this special lesson you're going to get two Mp3 audio files:
Birth Is Not Just A Noun: It's an activity you need to do.
Fathers As Great Birth-Coach: Men/others must be skilled to help the birthing woman cope and feel in control. The best birth coach is someone who is part of the family and will remain in this baby's life. Birth-coaching skills are simple and effective. You're going to learn from fathers who developed these skills
And you're going to get two PDFs
Birthing Behaviours Lists: Fathers developed these lists because they wanted to know what they were seeing and hearing how a birthing woman was behaving. Was she coping or not? Was what he saw and heard normal? One list is 'positive birthing behaviors' ... do more of these. The other list is 'negative birthing behaviors' that indicate you are not coping well. Do less of these. Your birth and birth-coaching skills will make a huge difference in your ability to use positive birthing behaviors.
Positive And Negative Voice: Mothers developed these skills. No one can read your mind during birth. You will talk to yourself constantly. With skills, you soon learn you can have very negative self-talk and use very positive birthing behaviors.