To begin, let us look at how the practice of creative absorption can be applied in real time when one is experiencing negativity, and then afterwards, we will go deeper into the practice as the course progresses. situation. When you experience anger towards someone, ask yourself, what is it that I am rejecting? It may be that you're rejecting that person for being rude, or for embarrassing you or for being unfair. The task is to find out just what part of the person that you're rejecting and that negative experience. Then, what you will do is, is to try to accept the other person as they are.
And you can do this by declaring in the mind It is okay for that person to be for instance, it is okay for that person to be arrogant and think they clear if it is okay for that person to be, it is okay for me to be. Again fill in the blanks for instance, if it is okay for that person to be arrogant It is okay for me to be arrogant to Now I know that a lot of you may not want to declare these in your mind. When that negative situation arises, the mind will fight and say why would I want to except a person I don't like? Why would I want to be like that person I don't like. Okay, so here it is important to realize that if you continue to think like that, you will continue to suffer. experience some happiness every time you meet a person that is Like that.
So if you feel that you don't like this technique, this is good. This means that the technique is working. Because you're feeling in the resistance, your beliefs are being challenged. Realize that the belief that has currently been challenged is the one that you're currently attached to, which has been causing unhappiness and limitations within you over this time. Realize that the only way to transform the suffering mind is to do something opposite, which is to develop self acceptance, when you want to reject someone. But yeah, self acceptance, it's easier to say, than do inside we all know that it's the right thing to do to develop self acceptance, but it is indeed difficult.
So let us feed the mind with more wisdom, of why self acceptance is important and how it can change your Life. This will help the mind to understand the true power of the practice.