It's important to differentiate between the causes of stress and the symptoms of stress. fighting the causes that can be eliminated, and doing so, are the best option. But of course that can't always be done. We have to pay the bills, afford food, keep a roof over our heads and take care of our loved ones. Sometimes you need to make a value judgment to decide if the stress you are experiencing is worth it in the long run. No one can make that call but you you may need to talk to a professional, your friends or family to help you decide what action to take.
But ultimately, you are the one that has to live with your decision on whether to eliminate the cause or at least minimize it. Symptoms are the result of your stress and They won't be as individual as you are. You may not even realize all the symptoms of stress until some time has gone by and looking back, you realize that something that was causing you pain or an emotional upheaval was actually a stress reaction. Some symptoms, you may be able to learn to manage easily, only to find that other symptoms pop up in their place until the actual cause of your stress has been changed or eliminated. You may find that you grind your teeth at night. So you go to a dentist and you get a mouth guard to where to stop the grinding.
However, the cause of the stress is still there. So you may start doing something else to deal with it such as biting your nails. It's important to listen to your body and trust your gut feelings to decide if a situation is good for you or not in the long run. You must always balance out the need for situation for the long term damage to your body, emotional, spiritual or mental health. For example, you may need to work full time while you attend college at night, putting stress on you. But you also know that once you get your degree, you will be able to work in the field you have chosen and enjoy a better lifestyle.
So you need to manage your stress until the situation changes. However, if you are in a job where your boss is a tyrant, and continually belittles you and makes you so stressed that you become ill, you will have to decide if there is any way to manage the stress. Or you will ultimately have to make the decision to change jobs. Only you know what is best for you. We recommend that you take some time for self reflection and look at all the different parts and pieces of your life to actually zero in on what it is that is causing you stress. So then you can create a strategy as to how to change it or live with it in a better manner.
Mostly life coaches will look at the different aspects of your life and break it down into the several different categories, including health, wellness, your career or your job. your finances, family, friends, relationships, including a significant other, your spirituality, which could be your relationship to things that you consider to be greater than just the physical could even be your relationship to nature, your religion, or what you feel you are inside yourself. Recreation, social aspects of your life, how much you get out how much you enjoy seeing other people and your environment. Is your environment safe? Do you have good food to eat safe water to drink? Do you feel physically taken care of in your environment?
If you look on the internet, you will find many different sites that will give you the opportunity to take a quick little test to judge just exactly how much stress you're under. And most of these sites will list what they consider to be the most common causes of stress and those causes that caused the most stress. Even though they could be a very happy event in your life, such as getting married, it still causes you stress because it is a big life change. It could be other things like moving to a new city, divorce. financial pressure is a very common one for a lot of people. a chronic illness and it could be anybody around you, not necessarily yours.
Losing a job, changing a job, even getting a new job that you're very excited about. It still takes time to acclimate to all the pressures and the needs of a new job. If you have experienced or a family or friend or loved one has experienced any type of trauma and actually Sit in a car accident, getting mugged. Anything that causes trauma in your life. That is a big, big one. being unhappy with your job or your career or having to work too hard or too much, living in a dangerous environment, dealing with emotional issues, which are sometimes also caused by stress, and then those emotional issues can in turn cause their own kind of stress, such as becoming depressed because of a financial condition.
Not getting enough physical activity is a cause of stress. Because the more you sit, the less your body has the opportunity to get rid of excess energy or energy that is not doing you any good. Having a spiritual crisis, which they also call the dark night of the soul, which causes you to do a lot of soul searching about what you really want in life. And sometimes this can be a very good thing, because on the other side of it, you've decided to make a lot changes which in the long run will be very beneficial to you. And some of the most common symptoms of stress are illness, any type of pain, any type of digestive problem, that's a big one for a lot of people, skin problems such as breaking out or developing acne at any age, being irritable, having different types of emotional problems, which can cause you to have fatigue, or feeling sluggish not being able to get enough energy to even do anything because you just feel overwhelmed by everything.
You can have muscle tension headaches, and if these symptoms continue for too long, they can actually develop into full blown illnesses that are much more difficult to get rid of. So it makes a lot of sense to try to alleviate the symptoms. But most of all, get to the root cause if you can eliminate it, or minimize it. So of course, we have to mentioned here that we are not doctors and we cannot diagnose any ailments. So it is up to you to visit your health care practitioner to make sure that any of these symptoms that you believe are caused by stress or actually just stress and are not a deeper issue. So one of the techniques that we talked about in this course is meditation.
And meditation has been proven to help people cope with stress and help people relax. And every minute that you can relax and get back into who you truly are, helps benefit your ability to cope with the stress later on.