Hi and welcome. In this lecture, we'll be talking about the fourth productivity principle, identifying in cutting out time wasting activities. It is a very important part of optimizing our productivity process, because it helps us achieve good organization and channel our skills and energy towards our goals and better overall results. For us humans, time wasting is generally perceived as inevitable. This is largely true, but by no means does it mean we cannot do anything about it. On the contrary, we should make the effort to try to limit time wasting as much as possible in even defeated at least in our work sphere.
If not, it can seriously damage our productivity objectives or prevent us from reaching them altogether. There are a number of time wasters in the workspace we need to consider and decide on the proper measures in order to kill them. The crucial one, especially for people who work from home, is the amount of time we dedicate to surfing the internet and to watching TV. web browsing is probably the biggest time drain worldwide. It is true that we use it for work, but we often tend to waste a lot of time doing it. This is mainly due to the enormous amount of information available and our innate curiosity as human beings watching TV so good leisure activity, it can also be quite beneficial knowledge wise, but in the end, the magic of the small screen is strong enough to make us waste more time than we can afford to.
In order to defeat the time wasting side of those activities. We need to apply a good amount of willpower and strict organizational skills regarding our job duties and activities. Another big drawback on the job are the interruptions. They're one of the biggest enemies of good productivity. As Peter Drucker writes in his book, The effective executive. To be effective, every worker needs to be able to dispose of time in fairly large chunks.
This is a successful strategy is it gets the work done more easily. interruptions lead to a loss of focus in impulse, and the need to start all over again often arises. interruptions are highly counterproductive and have to be eliminated. In order to do it, try to announce your available in non available hours to coworkers. Close your office door and avoid personal distractions of all type. A time wasting activity we tend to underestimate our D excessive Long breaks, it might seem harmless to prolong a poll by a few minutes, or eat lunch for 10 or 15 minutes more.
However, if we sum up those minutes on a weekly or monthly basis, the number could be surprisingly or even shockingly high. The reason behind that loss time is often our tendency to socialize with coworkers, which in its essence is undoubtedly a positive trait as long as it does not harm our productivity goals. In the words of Drucker mixing personal relations and work relations is time consuming. In this case, it would not be exaggerated to say that it is in many instances, a waste of valuable time. Other examples of time wasting activities include playing games, coffee breaks, shopping, yes, online shopping to etc. The time wasters.
I just went are often observed among working people, but it depends on you to discover and define the ones that suck in steal your precious time. carefully review your daily activities. And when you have decided which ones are wasting your time, attack them in kill them. Believe me, you will not regret this. On the contrary, you will feel the desire to productivity boost. Alright, let's recap.
Identifying in cutting out time wasting activities is one of the best ways to improve your productivity. The limit internet surfing in TV watching only to useful purposes while at work. Eliminate interruptions. They're counterproductive and complicated the overall work process in progress. Give up the prolonged breaks socialize mainly outside of your work environment in order to keep your productivity levels high. Thank you for watching.