Okay, so now let's start for developing a new ppm application I will select your new application then I will select ppm application okay I can see my second BPM application okay this is my second BPM application more can change your project name to be used supply chain project, combos, BPM process and French okay here as I told you there are some lost time with a finished application we use manual branches which will be initiated manually from human task, but this time I will call it as as synchronous surface which will start with a whip surface okay and we can call here sorry supply chain process Nick guest okay for kids argument now Nick asked Nick is and finish save souls This is our process let's now first to design some old process here is the end should be normal and we will not use send in a message as in so I will change the end to be none.
Nothing will happen to just terminate the process watch what once is their flow reach to the end so it will stop As a web surface and just we'll just okay. So, now, I need once the process is come, it should go for requisition approval. So here I will add a task called user here we can call approval we will just will design Okay, this is for supply chain with our own which we need to add we can add a new roll call. Eric approval roll Okay, okay. So now we have our own in this plane there are a one human task which will receive that requisition request He will start to have a look and then we'll approve it. Nick I think I said I will ensure she did initialize variable for a loop.
So, I will just add here as corrupted notation. can see it loop after that, I should call a whip surface to check the store if it has the item on the quantity. So, I will check stock then depending on the output of this whip surface, I will check if that is the quantity or this product, which the user asked for is existence a stock or not So I will add a gateway here chick or we can bro duct available okay so if not I need to have here a table if it is not I can have just timer so I will just okay I will wait for a second I we need to increment it so that I will know how many round I did so I will have ad here Criminal Law okay, right click a default sequence of law here right given a default sequence of two here okay.
Like this. So again, very cool so welcome requisition approval receive it, initialize the loop, we will check the stock, if it is not I will wait and check again. Wait and check again. If the stock is updated, it will go out if not, so, here I need to have another check because here it will go for for a loop and after get out from the loop I have to check if the phone does this or not. So, I will add another gateway can see here for example sent to supplier gateway if I need to send it to the supplier, so I have to create another human task for the supplier, but it will be in a different room. So I will put it here and I will call supplier and the supplier role.
So, this process will have two roles one for requisition approval and the receiver and one for the supply. If the user who will receive the product from supplier is a different rule you can define third rule for receiver but for now, I will make one rule for requisition approval and the receive receive from the supply. Here I will add like add a condition no no okay like this and after that it should go for receive you receive product from supplier, one supplier sent back the product okay so exists then I will have a web surface which will update the stock once it is received so on is received I would add here maybe update stock was the value which we have received. Then we will have another surface, which you've built the requisition. And finally, we will see a notification to say. So into vacation here means ification.
Then we would adjust here at the default sequence here. sequency This is how our process looks like. Okay. Again, just a quick we will initiate the process one will receive the requisition, it will check if it is in stock or not if it is in stock it will go straight away and prepare position and send vacation. If not in stock it will go and wait if someone will update the stock or not if someone updates the stock it will go straight Wait away from this room and go to requisition. If the three round is gone without any someone who have this stock on this item is not exist we will send it to the supplier supplier sent it someone who will receive it once someone receive it it will go for the update stock if you want to make it more complex if this one is not approve it, it should back again to the supplier.
If it is rejected, we'll come back again to the supplier if you want to do that. So but for now, we can do it like this and for a tool update the so called the requisition and send notification. So this is how it will looks like our process. If you want to make it a bit complicated, you can do any other flow if you want. As I said you can add here, gateway if this will be rejected or not, maybe the supplier will can reject, you can return, return it back again to the approver as a supplier reject this, so you can make whatever any flow you want. So you can just design your flow, we need to make an implementation we just design it.
So for the next video we will start for the implementing business process. So see you next video.