So how do you do this? First of all, you need to balance your adrenals check your cortisol status with a four times in one day, cortisol saliva test. A once a day similarities is really not sufficient information. To give you an idea of what's going on with your adrenals different phases of adrenal stress, respond to different botanicals and support. So make a definite and concerted effort to reduce your stress. adrenal fatigue mesas your hormones entirely as well as missing your insulin balance.
Balance to insulin, cut out sugars and starchy carbs. Consult a functional medicine practitioner or nutritionist for practical ways to manage your insulin. Have your HPA one c checked, as well as your fasting insulin. These are very, very useful measures to see what's going on with your blood sugar. Your HPA one C will give you a very good indication of how much sugar is coating the inside of yourself and aim for a 5% or below. And in terms of your fasting insulin, that will tell you how much excess insulin is flowing in your blood.
Keep your fasting insulin level below five are for optimal health. I've described the impact of excess insulin on neurotransmitters, which will affect your mood. Insulin resistance is far more common in this day and age. Then we, we said we can even suspect even children nowadays are becoming insulin resistant. Now for a beta understanding of insulin, go to the Udemy course my other Udemy course that will describe this is a free course and it will describe insulin in more detail for you. Third, eat a protein for breakfast.
Protein for breakfast helps to keep you insulin balanced as well as gives a boost To your morning cortisol. If you have hypoglycemia, in other words, low blood sugar, and you feel shaky, have a protein snack every two to three hours to balance the glucose drop. As you begin to feel better, you can go longer between your snacks and your meals. Ideally, a space of between five and six hours between meals is optimal in terms of balancing your insulin, but if you are initially hypoglycemic or you have adrenal stress, this is not going to work well for you. Avoid have high carbohydrates, food foods cut out or fruit juice or fizzy juices and whenever you can, whenever you eat at a food that is high in fiber, and protein and some good fats, and examples of good fats are avocado or nuts. Do not eat sweets or high carb foods before bed.
Firstly, this cat any chance you had of burning fat while you sleep. But it also results in a sugar crash in the night, resulting in a flood of adrenaline and very restless sleep and maybe a 3am. In the morning, wake up. food sensitivities to gluten or dairy are also going to play havoc with your immune and your inflammatory processes. And many of us are sensitive to gluten or dairy without even knowing this. And it can be very beneficial to just take six weeks and just go off all gluten and all dairy and even have a little food diary that you can plot how you feel, and what are your responses in your body going off or gluten and dairy and then you can slowly reintroduce them