So, the main things you want to do or customize your page, start using these posts to communicate with your audience. And kind of a general rule of social media and Facebook especially, is don't always be promoting. Okay, this isn't Glengarry Glen Ross, you're not, you're not ABC, always be closing. Okay? So, social media is really about having a conversation and building trust. So don't be afraid to tell your customers and tell your fans about cool stuff that's going on in your market.
You know, send people to cool blog, send people to cool videos, show cool stuff. And then every three or four posts, promote something, promote your product, promote someone else's product, you know, as an aggregator, which is basically you know, what you're going to be if you're providing cool content for other people, you're still going to get the credit for that content. You're still going to be considered the source of it. So you're only going to sound smarter, you're only going to sound more trustworthy, you're only going to mark yourself as the expert. So use this page, have a conversation share, the more articles and posts that you share, the more people are going to share your articles and posts and just the more fans and followers you're going to get and the more money you're going to make. So the main things we want to do to monetize our page is a have this VIP list or email list set up in AWeber.
So we can start building a list and start emailing people. We also want to have this static HTML iframe tab, basically to get more likes, and also so we can funnel people to our products to you know, whatever we want to send people to Okay, so if we're just trying to, you know, make a quick buck, we can just send someone straight to a product and we can give somebody some free content. build some trust, and then monetize that person on the back end through our emails. It's really up to you. After enough time of testing, you'll figure out what's right for you and your niche. But that about wraps it up for customizing your Facebook section.
In the next few videos, I'm going to talk about linking up and integrating your Facebook page with your WordPress blog and your websites. We're also talking about some other applications you can download to spruce up your page even more. And then we'll get into some Facebook advertising for any of you that are interested in that want to learn more. I won't go too in depth, but we'll talk about a little bit. So thanks again for watching this video. We'll see in the next video.