In order to help you to determine your own preferences, I've put together this booklet that you can download and use as we go through the next few lessons. These lessons are looking at each of the preferences in more detail. Within the booklet, there's a scale for you to consider when we're exploring each preference to determine how much clarity you have about this particular preference for you. Each preference has two options, you're going to be asked to consider both options and to determine which option is more favorable to you. If you're very clear about preference, want this on the scale to indicate your choice. If you have some clarity about the preference market somewhere along the scale, if you're really not sure mark in the middle.
When you've completed all four of the preference scales, you'll have four choices indicated by four letters. These blend together to make up your self assess type You can compare yourself assess type with your self reported type from the questionnaire that you took. If there are similarities, then you'll have good indication of your time. If there are differences, think about both preferences, and revisit the appropriate lessons to see if you can get a clearer understanding of this particular preference. You may like to talk to others to get some feedback and some indication about what they think there's a summary of all the 16 types at the back of the booklet. Please try not to look at this before you complete the exercise, because it may influence your thoughts and your ideas.
The summary of all the types will give you a chance to look at the type or types that are most closely associated with your preferences. From this you can determine which is your type to get a better understanding of how you use your personality type. When you're interacting and communicating with other people