This short course could really only cover the basics behind working with type. Recognizing the preferences and how they're expressed in yourself and in others is a great start. But you can learn much, much more. What we've covered in this course is known as step one, which helps you to identify and work with your preferences on the four scales, where you get your energy from ni, how you take in information. So then, how you process this information and make decisions, TNF and how you like to live your life, J and P. Your type is much more than just the sum of four letters though. It isn't i plus n plus f plus P. That's your type.
Work with a qualified practitioner who will coach you to understand your best fit type much more deeply. What you have learned about type maybe interest to everyone in your team at work. consider getting the whole team to go through the process of identifying their preferences and their best fit type. exploring your preferences together and sharing this information will have real benefits in building the team, getting everyone communicating and working better together, and improving performance overall. Explore tight more deeply. I'll briefly take you through the functional pairs and type dynamics so that you can see how these can add to your knowledge.
Consider taking step two and step three. And again, I'll give you some more details about these briefly. One of the key aspects of psychological type is the combination of the sensing or intuition preference with the thinking or feeling preference, the possible combinations St. sf NT, an NF a called functional pairs because they give so much about how we function In life, these preference pairs form the middle two letters of each person's four letter type and define how we prefer to gather information and make decisions. Our core mental priorities. The functional pairings, s, t, s, F, and T and NF are quite useful in looking at communication patterns group decision making and team culture. There appears to be some correlation with other psychological models such as social interaction styles and disk which are covered in detail in some of my other emotional intelligence courses.
Sts are decisive, quick to take action, value facts and logic and pay attention to details. They're aligned with the analytical style or high compliance. sf self service minded. They seek to help people in very practical ways and are unselfish kind Understanding. They're aligned with the amiable style or high steadiness and F's are guided by their passions and beliefs. They have a sixth sense about people and work to ensure harmony in the workplace.
They're aligned with the expressive style or high influence. entities are agents of change. They have vision and value logical arguments, competence and independence. They're aligned with the driver style or high dominance. At the core of each type are the four mental processes, sensing and intuition how you perceive the world and thinking and feeling how you make judgments. These interact dynamically over the span of your life.
Type dynamics pinpoints each types favorite or dominant process, critical for understanding intrinsic motivation and approaches to problem solving. It clarifies how extraversion or introversion is used, and identifies which process is typically used in interacting with others, adding insight to communication issues. Understanding the order of developments and the interaction of type preferences make whole type descriptions far more powerful than just knowing your individual preferences. Your four letters are the shorthand to describe the interaction of your personality preferences, which ones you naturally use first, and which you use best those that you trust the most and use without conscious thought. One of those four letters is the most developed preference and has the most influence on you. This is usually called the dominant function, your favorite function, the one that you rely on and trust over others.
This part of your personality is in born and developed first when you are a child and this is why you might not Be all that conscious of your dominant function. It's so elemental to who you are, that you may simply be unaware of its presence and impact. It has the most important role and you usually develop the most skill with it. extroverts use their dominant function in the outer world, because by definition, they prefer to live in the outer world. So if the final lecture in your type is a PE, then your dominant function will be the N or s in your four letters. If the final letter in your type is a J, then your T or F will be your dominant function.
Introverts use the dominant function in their inner world, because by definition, they prefer to live in their inner world. If the final letter in your type is a p, then your dominant function will be a T or F. If your final letter in your type code is J, then your end Or S will be your dominant function. Do you now see then how an infp is different from an intp. For an infp, your dominant function is your feeling preference. For an intp your dominant function is your thinking preference. This is why even though there's only one letter difference between these two types, you can be very different.
Your driver is either thinking intp or feeling infp. And they make decisions very differently. There is an order of preference with the dominant being the most important, then a second, and a third and the fourth preference referred to as auxiliary, tertiary and inferior functions. And most preferred personality preferences are dominant and auxiliary functions will always be at the core of our personality. Step two is a more empirical assessment that explores each of the four preference scales further looking at five further sub scales each. This is a more in depth assessments that will really help you to understand yourself better by identifying your unique set of preferences.
It will help you to understand the differences between others who share your type and will clear up any confusion you may have about any of the scales. Step three is very new and helps you to understand your competencies. looking at opportunities at what works well for your mock doesn't. Whilst I'm qualified to work with step one, the functional pairs and type dynamics and step two, I'm not yet qualified in step three. If you'd like more information about working with type at a deeper level, please do get in touch with me and I'll be happy to answer any of your questions or share with you any information that You may need