We've looked at full behavioral preferences in quite a bit of detail, and by now you'll have some clarity around your preference for each of the behavioral preferences. Some preferences may be clearer than others, some you may not be sure of at all. But working through the exercise will give you an opportunity to find out more about your preferences and to determine what your preferences for each of the scales are and where your preference lies. Each preference is allocated a letter, the letters build up into one of 16 types. Here we have a type table, and this looks at the proportion of each type within a general population. And this is a general Western population.
The population in your country may differ, but it's not going to be a big difference. You can see some types are more common than others and some are quite rare. Your behavioral type will lead you to certain tendencies and characteristics and behaviors. More information is given to you within the exercise sheets around your particular type. More information is available and you can certainly search for more information on the internet. Understanding of type helps you to make sense of who you are in the world.
It helps you to learn about yourself. It helps with your understanding of where you fit in a framework that describes personality differences in positive and constructive ways. Understanding of type helps you to appreciate differences between people important differences and understand how different types can work together in complimentary ways. Applying this knowledge will help you to value diversity and other people. It will help to improve working relationships. It will help you to develop your leadership style to improve communication to improve problem solving strategies and it will help you to manage change.
Why is it important to consider behavioral preferences and why is it important to consider working with type. In summary, understanding behavioral preferences, yours and those of other people will help you with self awareness. It'll help you to identify what your strengths are. It will help you to identify any of your blind spots. Working with type will help with your personal and professional development. We'll help you to maximize your potential.
Working with tight will help you to understand yourself better, and other people. It'll help you to appreciate their preferences, how their preferences play out, and the gifts that this gives them. Understanding type will help you to build relationships through better communication and better teamwork. Working with type can be used in any situation in which you need to understand yourself and you need to understand other people. Finally, it's important to look at some rules about working with time. Life tends to support our preferences.
It makes us even more suspicious, more distrustful of our non preferences, the preferences that we are least comfortable with. Any string so overplayed becomes a liability, it can become a weakness. Type is only a theory. It takes real life to validate it. Type is only an explanation. It's never an excuse.
Oh, I don't think logically because I've got a feeling preference. No, it's not an excuse. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. So the whole of your preferences blended and working together is greater than each preference played out on its own. Type is only one lens through which we can look at human personality. We've only looked at for behavioral preferences.
There are more there are other ways of looking at the personality. There are measures of traits, there are measures of behavior. To be effective, you've got to look at yourself first, and then you can start applying it to others. This is why it's important in making sense of who you are in the world. Type is easier said or it's easier to think about type than actually working with it. Don't blame everything on your opposite type.
Easy to do, but it's an excuse. And finally, type can't solve everything.