I will show you how you can apply the prospecting strategy using the strategic prospecting plan worksheet. This will help you to be more organized when implementing the plan. The worksheet is available to you at the resource section. It is done in fillable PDF format so that you can type it out instead of having to print it and then write on it. The site on the era of financial planning you wish to specialize in. For this example, we will choose retirement planning is the area of financial planning you wish to specialize in is not on the lease, you can choose others and then in the specialization.
Next, write down the profile of a typical prospect for your area of specialization. In our case, it would be 45 years and above has an income of 150,000 per year and above and nice to play badminton. You don't have to fill in every description here. Just enough to give you a sense of who he or she is and where he can be found. Thirdly, commit to finding 10 groups of people who meet this description. You have now narrowed the focus on your target group, and it will be a lot easier to find local groups whose activities are aligned with your interests.
For example, if you like wine tasting love for the wine tasting group that has members who have the profile of your ideal prospects. Next, get involved in the activities of this group and look for ways to add value and build relationships with the members when you are comfortable with them as if they will be interested in reviewing their financial plans.