Let's talk a little bit about what's happening here in the music. We read from left to right. And as the notes get higher on the page, we go to the right on the piano lesson. Do you hear the sounds getting higher if I go much higher, you can hear it really clearly. Right? So going to the right on the piano takes us to higher sounding notes.
And going up on the music takes us to higher sounding notes. And then the opposite is true. When the notes get lower on the music, we go to the left on the piano and then that sounds going lower. You can really hear it there right? When the notes move from being on a line to being in a space, and then align and the space, you can see that we play the keys that are next to one another. We call the stepping, stepping from one key to the next, stepping from one line to the next space to the next line to the next space.
That works going down, also my note, space, line, space line and we're stepping on the keyboard. Now if we see notes that are separated, for example, we have a line note and then another line note. See how we skip that space. There's no note on the space. And then another line note. Again, we didn't put a note on the space, we skip on the keyboard.
So we call that moving by skips or skipping. This is a treble clef. It tells us that the notes coming up in the song are in the higher part of the piano. We organized music into groups, and we call these groups measures or bars. The bars are separated from one another by bar lines. At the very end of a piece of music, you'll see what we call the double bar line.
The double bar line is just two bar lines, one of them thin and the other thick, they always go together like that. And the double bar line tells you that this piece of music or This song is over. It's At the end. In this piece of music, we will have four counts, or four beats in each measure. The time signature tells us each measure will have four counts of music. Don't worry about memorizing any of this.
You want to learn it as we go. Watch 123412 341-234-1234 I played and counted four beats in each measure of music. Let's take a look at this note. It's got a black head and a stem. The stem can go either up or down from the note that makes no difference in how you play it. Each of these notes has a value of one count of music.
We call these notes, quarter notes. When I want to show one beat, or one count of silence, that's when I write a quarter rest. So a quarter note represents one beat, or one count of music or sound, and a quarter rest represents one count of silence. Are you ready to play in Count with me, it's pretty easy. Every time we cross the bar line, we start counting out one again, so it resets our counter. I'll count to four and we'll start together.
Find your first finger on middle C 1234123. For 123412341234 How'd you do? Did you remember to count out loud with me? I know it's a lot to think about moving your fingers and looking at the music now and saying numbers. Let's try that one more time to really important for you to count out loud with me, because pretty soon you'll be doing that by yourself. 123412 341-234-1234 1234 if you're ready to do that on your own, Click pause, practice.
Make sure that you're saying the counts out loud, and then click play when you're ready to go on. This lesson had a lot of information, so you may want to watch it a few times to get all the details. Remember that at any time during this course, you can always go back and review previous lessons to brush up on concepts and skills that you may need some more work on and don't worry about memorizing anything you'll learn as you go because there's a lot of review built into the course you learn the best way by doing over and over